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She was a perfect blatherskite; I mean for jaw, jaw, jaw, talk, talk, talk, jabber, jabber, jabber; but just as good as she could be.

Angus let go of Jock's ear for sheer surprise, and Jock at once sprang to his sister's side, while Tam, seeing that trouble was brewing, gave a low growl and bared his teeth. Angus gave a look at Tam and decided to explain. "This young blatherskite here," he began, in a voice that caused the rafters to shake, "has been trespassing. He was after a rabbit. I caught him in the very act.

What do I care for the Separationist blatherskite more than for the loyal fools? You are all English to me. If I had my way, your Empire would die of pin-pricks all over its big, overgrown body. Let only one bit drop off. If robbing your ships may help it, then, as you see me standing here, I am ready to go myself in a leaky boat. I tell you Jamaica's gone.

You's a nigger! bawn a nigger and a slave! en you's a nigger en a slave dis minute; en if I opens my mouf ole Marse Driscoll'll sell you down de river befo' you is two days older den what you is now!" "It's a thundering lie, you miserable old blatherskite!" "It ain't no lie, nuther. It's just de truth, en nothin' but de truth, so he'p me. Yassir you's my son " "You devil!"

"They are to elect honest men, with whom one can do business instead of the peasant saloon keepers and blatherskite labor leaders whom they choose at present." Samuel thought for a moment. "Men with whom one can do business," he said "but what kind of business do you want to do?" "How do you mean?" asked the other.

At this apparent levity under her many distresses, Liza's wrath rose to boiling point, and she burst out upon Mr. Joseph with more of the home-spun of the country-side than ever fell from her lips in calmer moments. "Thoo dummel-head, thoo," she said, "thoo'rt as daft as a besom. Thoo hes made a botch on't, thoo blatherskite.

"I'll make you smart for this, you young blatherskite," he roared at Jock, who stood before him frozen with horror. "I'll teach you where you belong! You were running after that rabbit, and your dog is yelping down a hole after her this minute!" He was such a funny sight as he knelt there, dripping and scolding, that, scared as he was, Jock could not help laughing.

He had made his peace with many former foes, including Pickering." "Politics is a rotten game, me b'y," he said, by way of explanation. "And I've a family, two little girruls at home. I want thim to remimber their father as something besides a blatherskite phin they grow up. So I'm in a rispictible business again.... There's a new boss now, bad cess to him! Chris Buckley.

See But and ben. Besom, a broom. Bide, stay. Bittock, a little bit. Blatherskite, a babbling person, a good-for-nothing. Blethering, talking nonsense. Bonny, pretty, beautiful, charming. Bracken, brake, a species of tall fern. Braw, fine, handsome. Burn, a brook. But and ben, outside and in. But the house means out of the house.

Of the most bigoted sect of pseudo- religious fanatics that ever cursed this country the Hon. Tommie Watson is perhaps the most intolerant and narrow-brained little blatherskite. And the worst of it all is that while in religion he's a fool, in politics he's a knave.