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'Because, Master Jonathan, you must wait till your betters be served, or else eat with your equals. Joshua Geddes argued the point no further, but sitting quietly down on the seat which Crackenthorp indicated to him, and calling for a pint of ale, with some bread, butter, and Dutch cheese, began to satisfy the appetite which the morning air had rendered unusually alert.

"What's been the result and what I might call the upshot," said Keggs, continuing his homily, "of all your making yourself so busy and thrusting of yourself forward and meddling in the affairs of your elders and betters? The upshot and issue of it 'as been that you are out five shillings and nothing to show for it. Five shillings what you might have spent on some good book and improved your mind!

But he's got tongue enough to speak disrespectful about's neebors, for he said as I was a blind Pharisee a-usin' the Bible i' that way to find nick-names for folks as are his elders an' betters! and what's worse, he's been heard to say very unbecomin' words about Your Reverence; for I could bring them as 'ud swear as he called you a 'dumb dog, an' a 'idle shepherd. You'll forgi'e me for sayin' such things over again."

"Yuh will try to fool your betters, will yuh?" Whack! "I guess I can point out a critter that won't stray out uh the bunch again fer a spell!" Whack! Cal straightened, gasping astonishment, in the saddle, pulled up with a jerk, and got off, in unlovely mood. "And I can point to a little mamma's lamb that won't take down his rope to his betters again, either!" he cried angrily.

They had intended boarding the ship the moment she anchored, but abandoned the idea as soon as they saw the teacher going off. Not that they disliked Iakopo personally, but then he was only a low-class native, and had no business thrusting himself before his betters. So they sat down and waited till Denison or the captain came ashore.

The spread of shallow but clear knowledge, like the cold snow-water issuing from the glaciers, daily chills and disenchants the hearts of millions once credulous. Daily, therefore, does it become more probable that millions will follow in the track of those who are called their betters.

Another answered, 'I do not know, madam, what she may do with her head, but I am convinced she will never more turn up her nose at her betters. Another cried, 'What a very proper match might now be made between Amelia and a certain captain, who had unfortunately received an injury in the same part, though from no shameful cause. Many other sarcasms were thrown out, very unworthy to be repeated.

This was to lead the owners of the tickets, and the betters generally, not to attach a high value to the numbers below 270. By doing this, they expected to depress the value of these tickets in the general estimation, so that they could buy then easily.

Concede to him genius, which is a sort of stoical plenum annulling the comparative, and he is content; but concede him talents never so rare, denying him genius, and he is aggrieved." But it ought to be added that if the pleasure of denying the genius of their betters were denied to the mediocrities, their happiness would be forever blighted. From the resources of the American Scholar Mr.

Then she turned, frowned, flung out her arm, and broke into one of Katherine's flaming speeches: "'Why, sir, I trust, I may have leave to speak: And speak I will: I am no child, no babe: Your betters have endured me say my mind And if you cannot, best you stop your ears." "Oh, but you do have such a lovely voice!" cried Ruth. "You can't make even the Shrew sound shrewish in her tone, I mean."