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Who earned and left you the money you are a-usin'?" sez I, "who educated you and made your life easy before you?" And then bein' fairly drove into a corner, he owned up that his mother wuz a good woman. But his nose wuz kinder lifted up the hull of the time he wuz a-sayin' it, as if he hated to own it up, hated to like a dog.

Get down off that wheel before you break your neck. "Lor' bress your heart, Mah'sr Harry, is ye got a bed? I never did 'spect ye was a-goin' to bring furniture," cried Aunt Judy, her eyes rolling up and down in astonishment and delight. "Dat's a pooty cheer. Won't hurt a body to sot in dat cheer when you all ain't a-usin' it, will it?"

"The old folks," she continued, "are e'en a'most tickled to pieces, 'cause they think it'll jist be the salvation of him to get Mara." "I ain't one of the sort that wants to be a-usin' up girls for the salvation of fellers," said Miss Roxy, severely.

"Mine 's been lent a great deal," he continued proudly. "She 's been as far as 'Tit Menan Light, and one woman over to Sheep Island kep' her a week once. She 's been sent for sometimes right in the middle o' the night! When there ain't nobody else a-usin' of her, I takes the charnce to pick away with her a little myself.

Pennyloaf let herself lie at full length on the floor, her hands clutched protectingly about her head; she sobbed in a quick, terrified way, and appeared powerless to stop, even when Mrs. Griffin tried to raise her. 'What's he been a-usin' you like this for? the woman kept asking. 'There, there now! He shan't hit you no more, he shan't! Whilst she spoke Bob turned away and went from the room.

Who earned and left you the money you are a-usin'?" sez I, "who educated you and made your life easy before you?" And then bein' fairly drove into a corner, he owned up that his mother wuz a good woman. But his nose wuz kinder lifted up the hull of the time he wuz a-sayin' it, as if he hated to own it up, hated to like a dog.

"It's funny, ain't it? And 'ow's the world been a-usin' you, Harriet? Seen anything more o' that affectionate friend o' yourn?" This was said with a grin, and a significant wink. "Have you found out anything about her?" asked Harriet eagerly. "Why yes, I have; somethin' as 'll amuse you. It's just as I thought." "How do you mean?"

But he's got tongue enough to speak disrespectful about's neebors, for he said as I was a blind Pharisee a-usin' the Bible i' that way to find nick-names for folks as are his elders an' betters! and what's worse, he's been heard to say very unbecomin' words about Your Reverence; for I could bring them as 'ud swear as he called you a 'dumb dog, an' a 'idle shepherd. You'll forgi'e me for sayin' such things over again."

And she couldn't put it right round under her feet, where it would git trampled on, and git bruised, and knocked round; that wouldn't be a-usin' Christopher Columbus as he ort to be used. And, as I say, she wuz honorable enough to not want to put it in the lake.

But I knew what a struggle had been gone through with when I heard Miss Pray say: "Car' Ann, if ye want to borry my ice-cream freezer I ain't a-usin' it for to-morrer."