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Can it be said that the apothecary in the "Cousine Bette," or the Baron Hulot, or the Cousine Bette herself is inferior to anything the brain of man has ever conceived?

Henriette Borel's reception into a religious house Comte Georges Mniszech "Les Paysans" started in La Presse Madame Hanska's unreasonableness hinders Balzac's work He travels with her and her daughter, and they return with him to Passy Comtesse Anna engaged to Comte Georges Mniszech Balzac takes Madame Hanska and her daughter to Brussels He meets Madame Hanska at Baden-Baden Leaves Paris again, meets Wierzchownia party at Naples Buys bric-a-brac for future home Work neglected Dispute with Emile de Girardin Balzac's unhappiness and suspense He goes to Rome Comes back better in health and spirits "La Cousine Bette" and "Le Cousin Pons" Balzac goes to Wiesbaden Marriage of Comtesse Anna and Comte Georges Mniszech Balzac and Madame Hanska secretly engaged Parisian gossip.

The life of Goethe affected me; so did that of Balzac; and some very noble remarks by the latter in a pretty bad book, the "Cousine Bette." I daresay I could trace some other influences in the change. All I mean is, I was never conscious of a struggle, nor registered a vow, nor seemingly had anything personally to do with the matter. I came about like a well-handled ship.

The recognition of this heroic side of Fanny's nature commanded the instant admiration and respect of her visitor. Mary then and there vowed in her heart eternal friendship for her new acquaintance, and the vow was never broken. Balzac, in his "Cousine Bette," says that there is no stronger passion than the love of one woman for another.

Wisdom may spring from it; indeed, who can be wise who has not sorrowed? Says Goethe: "Wer nie sein Brot in Thranen ass Wer nie die kummervollen Nachte Auf seinem Bette weinend sass Er weiss Euch nicht himmelischen Machte." The afflicted in their sorrow may turn from self-seeking to God and good deeds.

"I bette you!" cried the former; "Mr. Ringfield, sir, the curé he don't know what to do with Miss Clairville. He'll never get her home, sure. He's no good with a horse my horse too I guess we better go after him, eh?" "Stay where you are!" shouted the doctor. "Farther along the forest begins again, and these hailstones are snapping off the branches as if they had been slashed with axes.

In the first-named novel, assuredly a very great book, the figure of the quaint old connoisseur is one of fiction's superlative successes: to know him is to love him in all his weakness. In the second book, Bette is a female vampire and the story around her as terrible as the other is heart-warming and sweet.

I Sent him back to look for his knife, with Directions to return with the party of Serjt Gass, I proceded on, here is a portage of 1/4 of a mile from this Creck to a branch which falls into the Bay, we proceeded on a much bette road than we went out across a Deep Slash and found our Canoes Safe, and Set out at Sunset, and arived at the foart, wet and Cold at 9 oClock P.M. found a Cheif & number of Indians both Encamped on the Shore, and at the fort of the Cath la-hur Tribe which lives at no great distance above this back of an Island Close under the South Side of the Columbia River

Witness such fiction as "The Magic Skin," "Seraphita," and "The Quest of the Absolute." It is hard to believe that the author of such creations is he of "Pere Goriot" or "Cousine Bette." But it is Balzac's wisdom to see that such pictures are quite as truly part of the Human Comedy: because they represent man giving play to his soul exercising his highest faculties.

And bending over the music-book, she read in an undertone: "Wer nie sein Brod mit Thranen ass, Wer nie die kummervollen Nachte Auf seinem Bette einsam sass, Der kennt euch nicht, Ihr himmlischen Machte!" "Say yourself, Mr. Himmel, is not that beautiful and touching?" she asked, looking up again to her teacher.