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He cast a wild look of anguish on the child, and another on the kneeling mother, and started up shrieking, "Avaunt, ye pair of adders." The stung soul gave the old limbs a momentary vigour, and he walked rapidly, wringing his hands and clutching at his white hair. "Forget those days? I forget all else.

It seems to Pierre Lanier that Nemesis has found the most susceptible joint in his conscious being, and with relentless persistence is testing its capacity for torture. Attempts at stoical endurance are but briefly availing. The dreadful presence of Paul's craze will not avaunt.

The question was reasonable, and was well answered by the wildly-staring president, who was still under the spell of his terrors. "Avaunt ye! avaunt! in the name o' the haly rude o' St. Andrews!" cried the woman, now roused to a state of terror.

Or were his senses playing him false? Was the groaning throng of restless spirits which his grandson had pointed out to him from the observatory, pouring into the sanctuary of the gods? New horror seized upon him; with arms flung upward to bid the specters avaunt he muttered the exorcism against the wiles of evil spirits.

Then saith Jesus unto him, Avaunt Satan! for it is written , "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and to him only thou pay divine adoration." Then the devil leaveth him, and lo! angels came and ministered unto him.

"Thou art a sweet-tempered gentleman, and easily satisfied," answered the host, "and I should be no better than a heathen salvage to abuse thy goodness. To begin, I have some of the famosest malt liquor that ever ran down throat with a relish." "Avaunt, with thy detestable malt liquors. You inveigled me once into tasting the decoction, and methinks that should satisfy thee, if not me.

He remained, therefore, in mere terror, gazing on the apparition, which chanted or recited in cadence the following lines "He whose heart for vengeance sued, Must not shrink from shedding blood The knot that thou hast tied with word, Thou must loose by edge of sword." "Avaunt thee, false Spirit!" said Halbert Glendinning; "I have bought thy advice too dearly already Begone in the name of God!"

Wilt not dry all their tears in earth and heaven and save thyself?" "Ay! would I could; but it is too late." "Satan avaunt," cried the monk sternly. "'Tis thy favourite temptation; and thou, Mary, listen not to the enemy of man, belying God, and whispering despair. I who come to save thee have been a far greater sinner than thou.

Tune the pipes to the tragedy of tallow, the bane of bulk, the calamity of corpulence. Tried out, Falstaff might have rendered more romance to the ton than would have Romeo's rickety ribs to the ounce. A lover may sigh, but he must not puff. To the train of Momus are the fat men remanded. In vain beats the faithfullest heart above a 52-inch belt. Avaunt, Hoover!

And dost thou seek thus artfully to veil thy perjury? No, no! begone forever from my soul, thou sinful image! I have not broken my oath, thou only one! Avaunt, from my soul, ye treacherous impious wishes! In the heart where Charles reigns no son of earth may dwell. But why, my soul, dost thou thus constantly, thus obstinately turn towards this stranger?