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Lindsey having his own way, and Carter was remanded in custody, to be brought up again a week later; and presently we were all out in the streets, in groups, everybody talking excitedly about what had just taken place, and speculating on what it was that Lawyer Lindsey was after. Mr. Lindsey himself, however, was more imperturbable and, if anything, cooler than usual.

Probably the greatest obstacle to the use of the Bible is the senseless form in which custom persists in publishing it. I know few stronger evidences of the intrinsic power of these books than their continued influence, under conditions that would have remanded other books to the topmost shelves of the most unused alcoves in our libraries.

Have you had a presentiment of my death, or, as Uncle Jack says, 'hab you seed it in a vision?" "No, but I have had such sad forebodings that they almost set me wild. One night I dreamt that you were dead; that the lawyers entered the house, seized our property, and remanded us to slavery. I never can be satisfied in the South with such a possibility hanging over my head."

We should, therefore, expect to eventually see modern science remanded to the same category. One of the greatest inventors of the age, Mr. Edison, whose inventions have had to do wholly with modern science, tells us that he has been constantly thrown off the track and misled by the frauds of science. I get mad with myself when I think I have believed what was so learnedly set out in them.

Abraham exclaimed, on being reminded. "What did you say her name was? Ida something " Waymark was puzzled and suspicious, and showed both feelings in his looks, but Mr. Woodstock preserved a stolid indifference which it was very difficult to believe feigned. "I've been busy," said the latter. "Never mind; there's time. She was remanded for a week, you said? I'll go and see Helter about her.

Wouldn't they be remanded for bigamy sooner or later?" "They don't bother the Mormons, do they, Mr. Browne?" asked Saunders triumphantly. "Well, who is going to object among us?" "I am!" exclaimed Deppingham. "Your plan provides Browne with two charming wives and gives me but one. There's nothing to compel Mrs. Browne to marry me."

A look of keen gratification rose in Vavasor's face, but was immediately remanded; he was much too well-bred to allow it to remain.

Thorndyke?" "My impression is, sir, that they desired to overpower those with me and to beat them down, in order to carry out their revenge upon me." After some consultation the magistrate who had before spoken said: "The prisoners will be remanded. It is necessary that we should find out who was the chief culprit who bribed this gang."

Arnold was forthwith remanded in chains to Rome, there to await the arrival of Frederic, who intended to have the culprit tried before his own tribunal. But Peter, the prefect of Rome, and commandant of the Castle of St.

The negro refusing to carry out his labor contract is then cited before the nearest magistrate, who imposes under the statute a nominal fine. The negro, being of course unable to pay this fine, is remanded to the custody of his bondsmen, who pay it for him, one of them of course being the master.