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The chef laughed, especially over the beauties of Narbonne, ran his eye through the book, took it over to his assistant to look at and laugh over the wonderful girls' faces, returned it to me, and let me off. "And the vielle," said I, "what do you think of that " "Mais! with the vielle over your shoulder, and that book of sketches and thirteen babies assurement you could only be an Englishman."

Presently here were the merry burden-bearers behind their radiant guide, whispered ah's and oh's and wary laughter abounding. "'Such a getting up-stairs I never did see!" A thousand thanks to the boys as they set down their load; their thanks back for seats declined; no time even to stand; a moment, only, for new vows of secrecy. "Oui! Ah, non! Assurément!"

"'You did not know I was there, said I, with a knowing wink at one of them as I passed. "'Assurement non, said the fellow with a laugh, that was the signal for all the others to join in it. 'Is the table d'hote over? said I, regardless of the mirth around me. 'Monsieur is just in time, said the waiter, who happened to pass with a soup-tureen in his hand.

A ce troupeau grossier, et mené par des pasteurs grossiers, on chercherait avec peine quelques sentiments élevés, en dehors du courage personnel. C'est quelque chose assurément: mais n'est-il pas infiniment plus déshonorant de ne l'avoir point, qu'il n'est honorable de l'avoir? Il ne semble pas qu'il y ait tant

From the Due de Nemours Bushey Park, 15 juin. J'ai a la fois des remerciments et des felicitations a vous adresser pour avoir pris la peine de chercher de qui emanait l'aimable article du 'Times' sur mon fils aine, et pour l'avoir si bien decouvert. Le compliment est assurement de tres bon gout, et j'y suis tres sensible.

[Footnote 1: 'Assurément la turquoise a une âme plus intelligente que l'âme de l'homme. Mais nous ne pouvons rien establir de certain touchant la presence des Anges dans les pierres precieuses. Mon jugement seroit plustot que le mauvais esprit, qui se transforme en Ange de lumiere se loge dans les pierres precieuses,

Horry was describing how Richard lifted little Goble by one hand and spun all the dignity out of him, when Miss Manners broke in, being able to contain herself no longer. "'An American, Mr. Walpole, and from Maryland? she demanded. And the way she said it made them all look at her. "'Assurement, mademoiselle, replied Horry, in his cursed French; and perhaps you know him.

"I will only say, if the gentleman wrote the whole that is in the book, and it is as fine as you would make a plain seafaring man believe, he did wrong not to print it." "Print!" echoed François, opening his eyes, and the volume, by a common impulse, "Imprimé! ha! here is papier of Mam'selle Alide, assurément." "Take better heed of it then," interrupted the seaman of the shawl.

La folie des Croisades, comme tous les genres d'ivresse, n'avoit eu en France qu'une certaine durée, ou, pour parler plus exactement, de même que certaines fièvres, elle s'étoit calmée après quelques accès. Et assurément la croisade de Louis-le-Jeune, les deux de saint Louis plus désastreuses encore, avoient attiré sur le royaume assez de honte et de malheurs pour y croire ce fanatisme éteient

Happy Jack, more in stupefaction at the cook's vocabulary than anything else, turned his head and took a good look at him. And the trustful smile of Jakie went straight to the big, soft heart of him and won him completely. "Aw, gwan," he adjured gruffly to hide his surrender. "I don't mind driving for yuh. It ain't that I was kicking about." "I thank you for the so gracious assurement.