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Was there not work enough in the camp yonder, that you must be testing your fancy graces every time a boat lands?" There was no mild look in De Artigny's eyes as he fronted him, yet he held his temper, recalling my plea no doubt, and I hastened to step between, and furnish him excuse for silence.

The Indians paddled with renewed energy, and, in a few moments, they were so far away their faces were indistinguishable, and I ventured to sit on the bank, my gaze still on the vanishing canoe. So intent was I that I heard no sound of approaching footsteps, and knew nothing of De Artigny's presence until he spoke. "What is that yonder a canoe?"

You owe life, no doubt, to Sieur de Artigny." "Yes, Monsieur; he has been my kind friend." "He would not be the one I love else. We know men on this frontier, Madame, and this lad hath seen years of service by my side." His hand rested on De Artigny's shoulder. "'Twas only natural then that I should resent M. Cassion's charge of murder."

You and I, with Sequitah, will take a hundred of your Indians, cross the small river, and advance up the trail. That leaves fifty warriors to creep through the woods on either slope, twenty-five to a side, led by your two couriers de bois. We will wait at the great rock, and give the signal." La Forest stood silent a moment, thinking; then rested his hand on De Artigny's shoulder.

'Twill be a surprise for Monsieur, but in this land, we witness strange things. Mon Dieu! see, they come yonder; 'tis Boisrondet and his men." They approached in silence, mere shadowy figures, whose numbers I could not count, but those in advance bore a helpless body in their arms, and my heart seemed to stop its beating, until I heard De Artigny's voice in cheerful greeting.

Make room for two more in the large canoe; ay, the lady goes. Change a soldier each to your boat and that of Père Allouez until we make our first camp, where we can make new arrangement." "There is room in De Artigny's canoe." "We'll not call him back; the fellows will tuck away somehow. Come, let's be off, it looks like dawn over yonder."

We could dimly perceive the vague outline of it silhouetted against the lighter arch of sky. In massive gloom and silence it seemed to dominate the night, the grim forest sweeping up to its very walls. Not a gleam of light appeared; not a sound reached us. I felt De Artigny's arm about me. "I would that I really knew what was going on yonder 'neath the screen of trees," he said gravely.

'Tis not likely the wolves will overlook this village long. Are we ready to go forward?" "Ay, the venture must be made, and it is dark enough now." De Artigny's hand pressed my shoulder. "I would that I could remain with you, Madame," he said quietly, "but as I know the way my place is in advance. Barbeau must be your protector." "Nor could I ask for a braver.

I watched until they rounded the rock and disappeared on their long journey to Quebec, until the others exiles of the wilderness turned away and began to climb upward to the fort gates. De Artigny's hand closed softly over mine. "You are sad, sweetheart; you long too for New France?" "No, Dear One," I answered, and he read the truth in my eyes. "Wherever you are is my home.