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It was the third day after her talk with Theodora, and Cicely had not so much as caught a glimpse of Allyn, though she had dropped in at The Savins repeatedly, on the chance of finding him at home. Whether the boy had turned his back upon the world, or was merely trying to keep out of her way, she was at a loss to determine.

"What is the matter with them?" "Foolish." "Try the girls, then." "They're worse." "Hm." Theodora mused aloud. "Given ten boys: if nine of them all like each other, and the tenth doesn't like any of them, where does the trouble lie? Allyn you are getting cranky." "Maybe so; but I can't help it." "Yes, you can, too. Do you know, you need a chum." A sudden flash of fun came into Allyn's eyes.

The man that wrongs his master and his friend, What can he come to but a shameful end? Mr Hallam Will delineate a young and thoughtless officer who is traduced by Mr. Allyn, and, getting drunk, loses his situation and his generals esteem. All young men whatsoever, take example from Cassio. The ill effects of drinking would you see Be warned and fly from evil company.

Phebe felt no antipathy to him, none whatever; she was only completely indifferent to the very fact of his existence, and she went round the links, that afternoon with a healthy forgetfulness of the fact that she had ever set eyes upon the tall person of the greatest American composer. "Papa," Allyn said bravely; "I'd like to have a talk with you, before the day is over." Dr.

Fifteen years old, and calls himself Jamie! If he'd only brace up and be Jim, there'd be some sort of hope for him." The result of the discussion was the doctor's sending Allyn back to apologize and take his old place in the school once more, while he sat himself down to write a plain note to the master. Theodora, meanwhile, went in search of Mrs. McAlister.

Atwood to help my husband in his distress, but the same day that he came at night I came in at the door, & to the best of my apprehension I saw the likeness of goodwife Harrison with her face towards my husband, and I turned about to lock the door & she vanist away. Sworn in court Oct. 29, 1668, attests John Allyn, Secy."

Each complemented the other, each modified the other, and both were far the better and the happier for the intimacy. To be sure, their paths were not all of pleasantness and peace. Both Cicely and Allyn were outspoken and hot-tempered; but their feuds now were measured by moments, not by days, and the overtures of peace were mutual.

He goes to church every Sunday, with a long face on him; and, all the rest of the week, he bullies the fellows." "At least, you think he does," Theodora amended. "He does," Allyn returned fiercely. "He is a coward, too, and never goes for our crowd; but takes boys like Jamie Lyman, stupid, shabby little milksops that don't dare stand up to him.

Allyn took me to walk, this morning, and told me the tragic tale of his first love affair. It was Lois Hawes, and it ended most unromantically. He helped her to get ready for the prize speaking, last month, and then she took the prize away from him and neglected to mention that he had coached her. Now he rages at the whole race of girls and says he won't finish his term of dancing school."

"I like doctors, myself; but I'd rather be a good machinist than a bad doctor." "So would I, a plaguy sight," he muttered; "but the others wouldn't stand it." "I can't see why," Cicely said thoughtfully. "It is smutty work, and it doesn't sound exactly aristocratic; but soap is cheap, and you aren't obliged to eat out of a tin pail. Allyn, I'd do it if I were in your place."