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Her husband, too, was at first against it. But, now that the die was fairly cast, Herr Schimmelpodt firmly championed the boys. "Eider von of dem gan do it -easy!" declared the big German. "You don't know dem boys vot? Ach, I do. Dey got der brain, der nerves und der muscle." "It's a crime to let such youths attempt the thing," shivered an anaemic-looking man in the crowd.

"Ach, Heaven help me, look not at me like that," he cried; "I cannot bear ever-ything!" Silence lay between them after this cry of pain. Friedrich began again, very low. "I see now clearly what I saw not at the time, that my weakness came upon me fr-rom my own lack of str-rength to make an effort. I was cr-rushed by a gr-rief when I left my land to come to America.

Owing to his tastes and habits he had been dubbed Professor by his friends. "Ach! Van der Kemp," he exclaimed, while his coal-black eyes glittered as they shook hands, "vat a bootterfly I saw to-day! It beat all creation! The vay it flew oh! But, excuse me v'ere did you come from, and vy do you come? An' who is your frond?"

"Roumania, mamma." Mr. Shapiro sat suddenly forward in his chair, his eager face thrust forward. "Say, I'm your man!" "You!" "Before you get your reservations let me steer you. I got a cousin works down at the White Flag offices Harry Mansbach. He'll fix you up if there ain't a room left on the boat. He's the greatest little fixer you ever seen." "Ach, Mr. Shapiro, how grand!

"It was said," observed the baron sardonically, "that when thou disappeared with the gamekeeper's daughter at Obercassel Heaven knows where! thou wast swallowed up in a whirlpool with some creature. Ach Gott! I believe it! But a truce to this balderdash. And so thou wantest to know of the 'coy' sisters of Schoenberg? Hark ye, Jann, that cousin of thine is a Schonberg.

"Pull yourself together, man!" he said encouragingly. "This man on the stairs," queried the Chief, "did you see him?" "Ach was!" replied the prisoner, turning a tearstained face towards him, "I haf seen nothing, except old Mac's back vich vos right in vront of me, it vos so dark!" "But couldn't you see the other person at all, not even the outline" persisted the Chief.

If Cooper had observed only one or two more of the rules of literary art, where would he stand? One is reminded of the Dutchman who was told that this clock would run eight days without winding. "Ach, Himmel, what would she do if she was woundt?" The one literary sin that Cooper does not commit is dulness. He is interesting. Of course there are some of Cooper's works that no one cares to read now.

Herr Grosse put back his magnifying glass with a grunt which sounded like a grunt of relief, and snatched the handkerchief away from Lucilla. "Ach! what a nasty smell!" he said, holding the handkerchief to his nose with a grimace of disgust. "Tobaccos is much better than this." He solaced his nostrils, offended by the lavender-water, with a huge pinch of snuff.

Then there were the photographs to be examined. Liza looked with stubborn disapproval on the pictures of herself in her working-dress. But she did not conceal her admiration of the portraits which showed her to the world in her best finery. "Ach," she cried, "this is something like a photograph!"

Ach, Vanka’s gone to Petersburg; I won’t wait till he comes back, suddenly echoed in his head. “Do you know, I am afraid that you are a dream, a phantom sitting before me,” he muttered. “There’s no phantom here, but only us two and one other. No doubt he is here, that third, between us.” “Who is he? Who is here?