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"Touch and go!" cried Waldo, with a vast inhalation as he watched the aeromotor sail away with the swiftness of a bird on wing. "And for a weenty bit I reckoned 'twas you and me as part of the go, too!"

"There's a gold crack in the sky now that shows a little weenty bit of Heaven's floor, I think, right now," said Ethelwyn, going to the west window. They all followed her, and sure enough there was the gold of the sky shining through the misty rain clouds. "Now, if God and the angels would just peek out a minute, I'd be thankful," said Elizabeth.

And there'll be two or three fellers to every calf, all lit up, like Mig-u-ell, over there, in chaps and silver fixin's, fussin' around on horseback in a corral, and every feller trying to pile his rope on the same calf, by cripes! They stretch 'em out with two ropes calves, remember! Little, weenty fellers you could pack under one arm! Yuh can't blame 'em much.

Still, a fellow can't find the stomach to bowl him over like a hare, without a weenty bit of excuse, at least." "That's it! If he'd try to bolt, or would even jump on one of us, it would come far more easy. Look at him smile, now! And I hate to think of clapping such a bright-seeming lad in bonds!"

One evening, after my little charge had been put to sleep downstairs by complying with her invariable order to "tell me a 'tory 'bout when oo was a 'ittle teenty weenty boy," the doctor came down with a grave face. "Our patient has reached the worst stage delirium. The turn will come to-night. Poor Hopkins is about worn out, and I'm afraid may need you. Please don't go to bed; be 'on call."

Say, Boss, foh de Lawd's sake, jist gib me a little teenty, weenty sup in dis heah tin cup for my boss. He's an ossifer, an' is layin' in de ossifer's horsepitol ober dar. Hit'll do him a powerful sight ob good." "Awful Sorry, my friend," said the Deacon, hardening his heart, "but I haven't a bit to spare. Hain't got as much as I need for my own son and his partner.

Daddy Skinner's face grew furtive with fear. "Why well now, s'posin' Andy Bishop ye remember Andy, the little man I told ye about, the weenty, little dwarf who squatted near Glenwood?" Tess nodded, and the fisherman went on, hesitant. "He were accused of murderin' " "Waldstricker Ebenezer Waldstricker's father?" interjected Tess. "Sure, I remember!" Her eyes widened in anxiety.

Brandeis would start up rather wildly, look about her, and see the two buried, red-cheeked and eager, in their books. "Fanny! Theodore! Come now! Not another minute!" Fanny, shameless little glutton, would try it again. "Just to the end of this chapter! Just this weenty bit!" "Fiddlesticks! You've read four chapters since I spoke to you the last time. Come now!"

A-comin' home, the little weenty chap looks up at me suddent an' axes, 'Is they a mammy to we-all's house whar we goin' now? Lord! Lord!" Pap shook his head gently, as signifying the utter inadequacy of mere words. Little Sammy grew and thrived in the Overholt home.

Miss Allen informed then gravely, with her eyebrows all puckered together and the furtive little twinkle in her eyes. "And they yelled so that we could hear them from the house! They made those poor cows and those poor, weenty calves just go trotting back across the coulee. My new book on farming says you positively must not hurry cattle.