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"Sho!" said Uncle Joe Davey, his breath recovered. "He wanted to walk up past Judge Pike's, to see if there wasn't a show of Mamie's bein' at the window, and give her a chance to look at that college uniform and banjo-box and new walk of his." Mr. Arp began to show signs of uneasiness.

Well, Jeth, I won't keep you any longer. Goin' to hang on to YOUR four hundred Development stock, I presume likely?" "Yes. I shall sell that at a profit. Not a big profit, but a profit." "Sho! Is that so? Who told you?" "It was," the gruff voice became solemn, "it was revealed to me." "Revealed to you? Oh, from up yonder, up aloft, eh?"

Mary contends that she always wears three petticoats. "Marse Thamos lived in a big log house wid a big plantation all around hit. He had three hundred slaves on de two plantations. Marse Thamos sho was good ter us niggers. No nigger mus whoop his stock wid a switch. "I'se heared him say many time don't youse niggers whoop dese mules. How would you like to have me whoop you det way?"

So saying, he did the proper thing. "Some un sick at yo' house, Mis' Carter?" inquired Lila. "Ah seed de doctah's kyar eroun' dar yestidy." "It was for my brother, Lila." "Sho! What's he done got de matter of 'im?" "Nobody seems to know what the disease is.

A bit of plaster stretched diagonally above the right cheekbone where the prizefighter's knuckles had cut a deep gash. Little ridges covered his countenance as if it had been a contour map of a mountainous country. But through all the havoc that had been wrought flashed his white teeth in a cheerful smile. The girl's lip trembled. "I'm sorry you were hurt." He flashed a quick look at her. "Sho!

"Well, I snum!" he exclaimed. "Of course! Sartin! If it hadn't been for you I'd have lost my life and Babbie'd have lost her clam chowder. That carpenter feller would have had me hung for a spy in ten minutes more. I'm real glad to see you, Colonel Colonel Wood. That's your name, if I recollect right." "Not exactly. My name is Grover, and I'm not a colonel, worse luck, only a major." "Sho!

"Well, Uncle Dan'l, I think that -My! here comes another one up the river! There can't be two!" "We gone dis time we done gone dis time, sho'! Dey ain't two, mars Clay days de same one. De Lord kin 'pear eberywhah in a second. Goodness, how do fiah and de smoke do belch up! Dat mean business, honey. He comin' now like he fo'got sumfin.

"Thanks," said Billy, "we'll be on our way." "It's four o'clock. Better stop and have some grub with me, then I'll join in and help you." "No!" cried DeWitt, breaking his silence. "No!" "That's the young lady's financier," said Billy, nodding toward John. "Sho!" said the prospector sympathetically. Billy lifted his reins. "Thanks, we'll be getting along, I guess. Just as much obliged to you.

If they had just killed it before we dressed one for ourselves " "Better take it over to them. It's too late to dispose of it to the butcher, and I am afraid they will have a pretty slim dinner. Mrs. Grinnell thinks they are badly pinched for money." "Sho, now, Myra Ann! It's just because they don't know how to manage. They've got one of the best farms in this part of the country."

"He's going to stay there. He's not coming at all," she wailed as she ran. "Sho! Of course he's coming. You know Steve, don't you? He's always got something good up his sleeve." But though her friend reassured her, he could not still his own fears. Something in him cried out against the desertion of a wounded ally, one who had risked his life to save them all.