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"Well," said she, "may the name of the Lord that sent this upon us be praised forever! That's no rason why we shouldn't still put our trust and reliance in him. I will show them, by the help of God's grace, an' by the assistance of His blessed mother, who suffered herself an' oh, what is my sufferin's to her's?

This is to giv' notis, Captin Furster, av you'll live and let live, and be quite an' pacable divil a rason is there, why you need be afeard but av you go on among the Leatrim boys as that bloody thundhering ruffin Ussher, by the etarnal blessed Glory, you wul soon be streatched as he war for the Leatrim boys isn't thim as wul put up with it.

His answer made me happy, but I did not let him see my satisfaction. "Well and good," I replied; "to show you that I confide in you, take this weapon, and use it only against the enemy." I gave him a Tagal sabre, which bore the following Spanish inscription, in large letters: "No me sacas sin rason, ni me envainas sin honor." "Never draw me unjustly, and never sheath me with dishonour."

Well, they went as well as they could, rummagin' through the snow, antil, at last, what should they come to, sure enough, but the corpse of a poor thravelling man, that fell over the quarry the night before by rason of the snow and some liquor he had, maybe; but, at any rate, he was as dead as a herrin', an' his face was knocked all to pieces jist like an over-boiled pitaty, glory be to God; an' divil a taste iv a nose or a chin, or a hill or a hollow from one end av his face to the other but was all as flat as a pancake.

Phil, the mischief that drinking does! Phil. Mischief! Quite and clane the contrary when the shillelah's up, the pike's down. 'Tis when there'd be no fights at fairs, and all sober, then there's rason to dread mischief. No man, Honor, dare be letting the whiskey into his head, was there any mischief in his heart. Honor. Well, Phil, you've made it out now cliverly.

"Neither did I until a couple of weeks ago; and between you and me, Fergus, the country's in a devil of a state a very trying one for Stipendiaries," replied his father; "but it struck me that I am myself rather advanced in years for such an appointment, and, in the meantime, that something of the kind might be in your way, and it is for this rason that I am feeling the pulse of my friend the Castle."

But I'll tell you what, Mag, after I went away from here the last time I felt sure I'd never marry Dora Byrne. But maybe I was wrong. Poor thing! I'm sorry fer her, all alone." "Sure, now, Andy, you must 'a' made a mistake," said Maggie. "It's myself as may've given Dora rason to think I'd got a young man down at Larne. I don't know as she meant to desave you.

Surely, it's no wondher I'd be distracted in my mind; but that's no rason you should all open upon me as if I had murdhered the boy!" "Well," said the father, "I'm glad to hear you say even that much. I hope it maybe betther wid you than we all think; an' oh! grant it, sweet mother o' Heaven, this day! Now carry yourself quietly afore the people.

Wanst the people knows that they'll get betther money-worth here than they'll get anywhere else, they'll come here, whether the shop looks well or ill. Not savin' but every shop ought to be clane an' dacent, for there's rason in all things." This, indeed, was another secret of their success.

"Stop, sir," cried Lord Colambre, in a voice which made Mordicai and every body present start; "I am his son " "The devil!" said Mordicai. "God bless every bone in his body, then, he's an Irishman!" cried Paddy; "and there was the rason my heart warmed to him from the first minute he come into the yard, though I did not know it till now." "What, sir! are you my Lord Colambre?" said Mr.