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What did I say?" "You talked a good deal, an' said that it was Condy Dalton that murdhered him, and that you had Red Rody to prove it." "That was what I said? eh, Sarah?" "That's what you said, an' I thought it was only right to tell you." "It was right, Sarah; but at the same time, at the peril of your life, never folly me there again. Of coorse, you know now that Sullivan is buried there."

"Maybe he'd be afther saying we murdhered her for her money," said the widow, with a shudder. "He can hardly complain of that, when he'll be getting all the money himself. But, however, it's much betther, all ways, that Doctor Colligan should see him." "You know, Mrs Kelly," said the Doctor, "as a matter of course he'll be asking to see his sister."

"God strengthen you, my poor child," exclaimed the nurse, bursting into tears; "for what will become of you? Your father, Sarah dear, is to be hanged for murdher, an' it was your mother's evidence that hanged him. She swore against him on the thrial an' his sentence is passed. Bartle Sullivan wasn't murdhered at all, but another man was, an' it was your father that done it.

O, let me, thin let me but kiss him once before he dies; it was I, it was myself that murdhered him all might 'a been well; ay, it was I that murdhered you, Connor, my brave hoy, an' have I you in my arms? O, aviek agus asthore machree, it was I that murdhered you, by my but they're takin' him they're bearin' him away to "

No, but just give him a bating that would go nigh taching him the taste of being murdhered, and the same for Master Ussher; for I tell ye may the tongue of the cowardly ruffian be blisthered for putting the name he did on your sisther! but he was only repating what Ussher has said hisself, and that more nor once nor twice."

"The truth is, then," she proceeded, throwing the corner of her apron over her left shoulder, and rocking herself to and fro, "that this young man had a dhrame some time ago he dremt that a near an' dear friend of his an' of mine too, that was murdhered in this neighborhood, appeared to him, an' that he desired him to go of a sartain night, at the hour of midnight, to a stone near this, called the Grey Stone, an' that there he would get a clue to the murdherer."

His hands were spread, and held up, with their palms outwards, as if in the act of pushing something back that seemed to approach him. "Help," he shouted, "he is comin' on me he will have me powerless in a minute. He is gaspin' now, as he Stay back, stay back here here, help; it's the murdhered man he's upon me. Oh! Oh, God! he's comin' nearer and nearer. Help me save me!"

Listen to me, sir, for I am goin' to make a strange and a fearful discovery; I know who it was that murdhered Sullivan; I'm in possession of it for near the last two-an'-twenty years; I have travelled every where; gone to England, to Wales, Scotland, an' America, but it was all of no use; the knowledge of the murdher! and the murdherer was here," he laid his! hand upon his heart as he spoke; "an' durin' all that time I had peace neither by night nor by day."

"Love you! miss," replied the indignant but faithful girl, bursting into bitter tears; "love you! merciful heaven, wouldn't I give my life for you? who that knows you doesn't love you? and it's for that reason that I don't wish to see you murdhered nor won't. Come, sir, you must let her out of this marriage. It'll be no go, I tell you. I won't suffer it, so long as I've strength and life.

For the missile had gone surely to its mark, and had not simply knocked off Denis's cap, but made a shocking gash in his temple, so that there were only too sufficient reasons for the rising shrieks of "Holy Virgin, he's murdhered he's kilt!"