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"The kidnapping of Miss Eliot and Geneviève by Noonan's men my break with Doolittle, my denunciation of the party's methods, my coming out as an independent candidate that riot on Main Street! How on earth did that ever get into the Sentinel?" "Some straight talk, and quick talk, and the exercise of a little of the art of pressure they say you men exercise," was the prompt reply. "I telephoned Mr.

"Such a party would be the greatest political power that ever existed in this or any other country. It would drive the other parties before it like sand before a wind. They would be compelled to adopt one after another the expedients of reform to head off the increasing threat of this one party's progress towards the revolutionary ideal.

Chipps, 'as I didn't know, perhaps, that 'is lordship might wish to see 'im, but I kept 'im standing at the 'all door, as I didn't altogether like his looks. I took the card in. His lordship and the gentlemen was playin' cards in the smoking-room, and as soon as I could do so without disturbing 'is lordship, I give him the party's card.

The ravages of the illness weakened the party sadly, and details are too horrible to write about suffice it that the party lost control of their organs, a circumstance that rendered existence in their wintering place a nightmare of privations. Preparations were made for the party's departure in the spring and the sledges overhauled.

When the 'bus is empty, these persons are sympathetic and friendly to one another, almost to tenderness; but when there is much traffic, a tone of severity is observable upon the side of the conductor. 'What are yer a-driving on for just as a party's getting in?

That officious Barker, of course. "Will you leave a message, sir?" said the maid, who, of course, did not know me. "No," said I, and as I still stood gazing at the piazza floor, she remarked that if I wished to call again she would go out and speak to the coachman and ask him if anything had been said to him about the time of the party's return. Worse and worse! Their coachman had not driven them!

And when they came out upon that upper deck Georgiana was dimly conscious that they were a party to attract attention, even among many people evidently of the same class. Any party to which Aunt Olivia and Jeannette belonged, she felt, must necessarily expect to be noticed. Of her own contribution to the party's distinction she was entirely unaware.

If he was observed too much, he would retire behind something and stay there until he judged the party's interest had found another object. I never have seen another dumb creature that was so morbidly sensitive.

"Awfully sorry I can't." "But look here, George. You must really. The party's all broken up. Miss Wheeler's had to go back to Paris to-night, and Jules can't come. Everything's upset. The flat's going to be closed, and Laurencine and, I will have to leave to-morrow. It's most frightfully annoying. We've got the box all right, and Everard's coming, and you must make the fourth.

"That's what Toothpick allows; an' the Red Dog party's hand ain't traveled two inches onder his surtoot, when Toothpick cuts free his '44, an' the Red Dog party hits the ground, face down, like a kyard jest dealt. "Yes, he's dead enough; never does kick or flutter once. It's shorely a shot in the cross. "`Do you-all note how he tries to fill his hand on me? asks Toothpick, mighty cheerful.