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"Mais il faut être raisonnable, madame." "II faut m'obéir, monsieur." "Mais " "Pschut!" replied the lady; "c'est une affaire décidée. Monsieur le gouverneur ne parle pas l'Anglais. C'est absolument nécessaire que le jeune homme apprenne notre langue; et c'est mon plaisir de l'enseigner. Au revoir, Monsieur de Fontanges. Charlotte, va chercher des habits."

"Nous avons a plaisir complique le bonheur, Et par un ideal frivole et suborneur Attache nos coeurs a la terre; Dupes des faux dehors tenus pour l'important, Mille choses pour nous ont du prix ... et pourtant Une seule etait necessaire.

I have been a soldier. Eighty-two years I am old. And much I have travelled. So can I see. What you say in Amerique make two and two together yess? Zere will be tramping of soldiers over zese roads to invade little Switzerland. Am I right? If it is necessaire yess! Necessaire! Faugh!"

Ces lumieres jointes a l'esprit de comparaison toujours necessaire a quiconque entreprend de percer les voiles dont la nature aime a se cacher, ont servi de guide a notre philosophe pour parvenir a des connoissances plus interessantes.

"Miladi," said Girasole, in a gentle voice, "I am ver pained to haf to tella you dat it is necessaire for you to separat dis night till to-morra." "To separate?" exclaimed Mrs. Willoughby. "Only till to-morra, miladi. Den you sall be togeder foravva. But it is now necessaire. Dere haf ben an attemp to a rescue. I mus guard again dis an' it mus be done by a separazion.

Then, suddenly speaking in English, he said, "It is necessaire dat we sall spik Ingeles, for ze peuple of ze house may suspeck " Upon this Claude poured forth a torrent of questions in English, asking about Laborde, Cazeneau, Zac, and Mimi. It will not be necessary to report the words of the priest in his broken English, but rather to set them down according to the sense of them.

"Il est nécessaire d'être vigilant, mon enfant," the other observed, dropping a fold of his cloak, and looking the soldier close in the face, as he passed him, still continuing his way towards the British fortification.

The necessaire, she declared, she must have; and she hit upon a device which she thought very clever for deceiving any spies, but which deceived nobody, though Madame Campan herself hoped it might afford a chance of doing so. The ambassador did as he was desired; and the queen turned to Madame Campan, and requested her to have a necessaire made by the pattern of the one before her.

Show it him first, and, when he commends it, as probably he will, tell him that it is at his service, 'et que comme il est toujours par vole et par chemins, il est absolument necessaire qu'il ale une boussole'. All those little gallantries depend entirely upon the manner of doing them; as, in truth, what does not?

I saw each of the reporters take Jarrett aside, and when I asked him what the secret was of all these "asides," he answered phlegmatically, "I have made an appointment with them for one o'clock. There will be a fresh one every ten minutes." I looked at him, petrified with astonishment. He met my anxious gaze and said: "Ah oui; il etait necessaire."