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"Last week, one of our women went down, and when she had got just where we are now, the rope broke." "Oh, Heaven!" ejaculated the inquisitive traveller, "what happened to her?" The Swede, who did not speak very good English, put the palm of his right hand over that of his left, lifted the upper hand, slapped them together with a clap, and said, most phlegmatically "Flat as a pankakka."

"Think you can cut it?" one of the audience asked. Mr Barelli smiled cheerlessly and didnt answer. Instead, he uprooted from his hip pocket a slender stone and began phlegmatically to caress the blade of the scythe with it. "Hay, that stuff's not goin to stop growin while you fool around." "Got to do things right," explained Mr Barelli gently.

There were three or four thousand brokers there, yet there was very little noise and no confusion. No stocks were called, and there was no central ring for bidding, as at the Bourse and the New York Gold Room; but they quietly bought and sold. Some of the leading firms had desks or tables at the side, and there awaited orders. Everything was phlegmatically and decorously done.

Mr. Rinck was sitting on the threshold of his cabin, which was brightly lighted, smoking and petting his spotted cat. "It's good we're under way again," Frederick could not refrain from saying as he walked past. "Why?" said Rinck phlegmatically. "I for one," said Frederick, "would rather be running under full steam than drifting helplessly." "Why?" said Mr. Rinck again.

"Misther Fugger," he cried, "you're shust the man I want to see. My Gott, vot is to become of us all? Vot is to become of de diamond trade ven one can pick them up like cockles on the sea shore?" "We must wait for details," the great financier said phlegmatically. His fortune was so enormous that it mattered little to him whether the report was true or false. "Details!

"Do not keep me in suspense," added Fouquet, phlegmatically. "Well, then, I have seen Madame de Chevreuse." "The old duchesse, do you mean?" "Yes." "Her ghost, perhaps?" "No, no; the old she-wolf herself." "Without teeth?" "Possibly, but not without claws." "Well! what harm can she meditate against me? I am no miser with women who are not prudes.

"That ain’t no great news to me," said Joshua. "Joshua Whittlesey, you make my blood boil. Things is goin’ rackin’ and ruinin’ at a great pace here an’ you as cold as a cauliflower over it all." Joshua sorted potatoes phlegmatically and said nothing. "S’posin’ I’d ’a’ wanted to marry him?" Joshua continued to sort potatoes. "Or, s’posin’ you wanted to marry her?" Joshua looked up quickly.

"Well!" said Robert, looking up. "Master and missus be gone at last, and the rest won't live till morning." "Won't they?" said Robert, phlegmatically; "what a pity! Get 'em ready, and I'll stop the dead-cart when it comes round."

The question is will you return with me, or will you not? He has need of you; or thinks he has, which is the same thing; and I can smooth the way. There will be risks." "I know all about that," I interrupted impatiently. "And I shall go with you, of course!" "Of course," he acquiesced phlegmatically. But, as he spoke, he held out his big blunt hand; and I gripped it hard.

Fort Oranje was a menace to British power. Rodney took it without remorse, appropriated the more than $20,000,000 worth of goods lying on the beach and the warehouses, and the 150 merchantmen, which, on that day, were lying in the bay. Jews and Levantines were stripped to the skin and sent packing. The Dutch surrendered and took their medicine phlegmatically.