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"Still, you never can tell; it don' do to pride oneself on anything. If it ain't indigestion, you've been thinking too much of this narsty murder." Norah flicked the off pony deliberately with her whip. "Darkie is getting disgracefully lazy," she said. "He's not doing a bit of the work. Nigger's worth two of him." The injured Darkie shot forward with a bound, and Mrs.

I myself don't think it was very delicate, but haven't you worried me to say something of the kind? 'No, that I'm sure I haven't! Worrited you, indeed! 'Then please never to speak to me on the subject again. I'm tired of it. 'And what did he say, when you'd said that? 'I can't remember. 'Oh, you are narsty to-day! Really you are!

You false-'earted proletarian publicist," he says, shakin' his finger at 'im for he was reelly annoyed "I'll teach you to defile what you can't comprebend! When my regiment's in a state o' mutiny, I'll do myself the honour of informing you personally. You particularly ignorant and very narsty little man," he says, "you're no better than a dhobi's donkey!

"We ought to have got him out of the place quietly," said Jeff Stavers; "that was our end of the mistake. He is not a bad fellow, but he shouldn't drink." "He was crazy to come to the yard." "When a man 'as a day off," observed Denyven, "and the beer isn't narsty, he 'ad better stick to the public 'ouse." "Oh, you!" exclaimed Durgin. "Your opinion don't weigh. You took a black eye of him."

Indeed, he might be Scots in his passion for theology. The other night he went to bed very displeased with me, and said, 'You needn't read me any more of that narsty Bible, but when I went up to say good-night he greeted me with, 'How can I keep the commandments when I can't even remember what they are? ... This is Mhor's school, or rather Miss Main's school."

That is what I call very narsty, as the English say, though they do not use the word in that sense." "You forget that Miss McPherson is English," Mrs. Jerrold said, and the lady in question at once rejoined: "Never mind.

They didn't particularly fancy the food narsty slop, the sergeant called it although it was reasonably plentiful; and, being true Englishmen, they sorely missed their tea. Then, too, on the night before their overcoats had been taken from them and no explanations vouchsafed. "We could 'ave done with them," said the speaker bitterly; "pretty cold it was in this 'ere car.

"I want you to let me go to the 'ouse with you just to the door and I want you to give me that letter back just as it is without opening it. You will, won't you, deary?" "Of course I will, if you really mean it." "I do, it was a narsty letter. I couldn't bear to have you read it now."

"You've got waiters enough, as far as that goes. But if you expect a hordinary Christian man to wait along of a lot o' narsty niggers, and be at their beck and call, you're mistook, sir, for I'm going to sleep the night at my brother-in-law's and take his advice, he bein' a doorkeeper at a solicitor's orfice and knowing the law, about this 'ere business, and so I wish you a good hevening, and 'oping your dinner will be to your liking and satisfaction."

The motto for the office, if it has a crest, should be the famous line from a music-hall song: "It ain't exac'ly wot 'e sez, it's the narsty way 'e sez it." No wonder foreigners are puzzled by our theatre. The Parisian sees a Palais Royal farce played before an audience of which many members are girls in the bread-and-butter stage.