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"Well!" she continued, "I jumps into me bonnet yisterday, and over I goes to the fort; an' I up an' says to Duffy, 'I can't wait for the quartermaster. When's that coal a-comin'? An' he says, 'In a couple of weeks. An' I turned onto him and says: 'Ye're a pretty loafer to take the bread out of Tom Grogan's children's mouths! An' ye want Dan McGaw to do the haulin', do ye?

"'That's me rig, I says to him, p'intin' up to the gaff, 'an' me coal, an' I'll throw the fust man overboard who lays hands on it! An' then the sergeant come out and took McGaw one side an' said somethin' to him, with his back to me; an' when McGaw turned he was white too, an' without sayin' a word he turned the team and druv off. An' just now I met Mr.

"What's the matter with McGaw's proposal? There's not much difference in the price. Perhaps he would come down to the Grogan figure. Is Mr. McGaw here, or anybody who can speak for him?" Justice Rowan sat against the wall. The overzealous trustee had exactly expressed his own wishes and anxieties. He wanted McGaw's chances settled at once.

Five minutes after she had broken the seal, her men discovered the document pasted upside down on her stable door. McGaw heard of her action that night, and started another line of attack.

I got home, hooked up by twelve o'clock last night, an' before daylight I had me rig up an' the fall set and the buckets over her hatches. At six o'clock this mornin' I took the teams and was a-runnin' the coal out of the chunker, when down comes Mr. Daniel McGaw with a gang and his big derrick on a cart."

"How do you know, then?" asked the Scotchman suspiciously. "Who told you the horse kicked her?" "Well, I dunno; I think it wuz some un" Dempsey looked at him and knit his brow. McGaw stopped. "Don't you know enough of a horse to know he couldn't kick with blind staggers?" insisted the Scotchman. McGaw did not answer.

That night he paid two hundred dollars into the Union, two hundred to his feed-man on an account long overdue, and the balance to Quigg in a poker game in the back room over O'Leary's bar. Tom also had an interview with Mr. Crane shortly after his interview with McGaw.

McGaw will be on hand in half an hour himself. In the meantime I will hunt him up." "I move," said the Scotch surgeon, in a voice that showed how deeply he had been affected, "that the whole matter be laid on the table for a week, until we know for certain whether poor Mrs. Grogan is killed or not. I can hardly credit it. It is very seldom that a horse kicks a woman."

"Be doin'?" rejoined a red-headed virago. "Wouldn't ye be doin' it yerself if ye had that big coal-dealer behind ye?" "Oh, we hear enough. Who says they're in it?" rejoined a third listener. "Pete Lathers says so the yard boss. He was a-tellin' me man yisterday." On consulting Justice Rowan the next morning, McGaw and his friends found but little comfort. The law was explicit, the justice said.

McGaw glanced at the clock and winked complacently at his prospective partner not a single bid had been handed in. Then he thrust out his long arm, took from Rowan's brother the big envelope containing the higher bid, and dropped it on the table. Just then there was a commotion at the door. Somebody was trying to force a passage in. The president rose from his chair, and looked over the crowd.