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'It was a blythe bit ance! said Meg, speaking to herself. 'Did ye notice if there was an auld saugh tree that's maist blawn down, but yet its roots are in the earth, and it hangs ower the bit burn? Mony a day hae I wrought my stocking and sat on my sunkie under that saugh. 'Hout, deil's i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans.

Then recollecting himself, he added, "Yet what needs ane be angry at her, that has neither soul nor sense? though I am no that muckle better mysell. She's but a rickle o' auld rotten deals nailed thegither, and warped wi' the wind and the sea and I am a dour carle, battered by foul weather at sea and land till I am maist as senseless as hersell.

Jarvie, but without looking towards me, "you are not the only guests this night in the MacGregor's country, whilk, doubtless, ye will believe, since my wife and the twa lads would otherwise have been maist ready to attend you, as weel beseems them."

'I will first then desire this of your Grace, Madam, and of this maist honourable audience, whether if your Grace knows not, that the obstinate Papists are deadly enemies to all such as profess the evangel of Jesus Christ, and that they most earnestly desire the extermination of them and of the true doctrine that is taught in this realm?

Gaen to the kirk at nicht was something to mind aboot. There wasna a lamp to be seen an' sic roads! The very laddies frae the Sabbath Schule were gaen on the paidmint, whaur there were maist gutters, an' skowf kickin' them at ane anither. The middle o' the road cudna haud the can'le to the paidmints for glaur lest Sabbath.

"It began to snow, and I thought you would be the better of your cloak and umbrella. You seem vexed, uncle." "Vexed? Ay. The minister is the maist contrary o' mortals. He kens naething about church government, and he treats gude siller as if it wasna worth the counting; but he's a gude man, and a great man, Davie, and folk canna serve the altar and be money-changers too.

"It's an awfu' peety he didna hear yon; but dear knows whar he is the day, maist likely up " Jamie stopped suddenly at the sound of a horse's feet, and there, coming down the avenue of beech trees that made a long vista from the kirk gate, they saw the doctor and Jess. One thought flashed through the minds of the fathers of the commonwealth.

We're all alike enow at bottom. It's just that there's more room, more time, more o' maist o' the good things that make life hamely and comfortable, i' the country than i' the city. Air, and sunshine, and space to run and lepp and play for the children. Broad fields not hot, paved streets, full o' rushin' motor cars wi' death under their wheels for the wee bairns.

"They ca' him Adam Logan," said my friend, his face still bright with excitement, "but maist folk ca' him 'Streams o' Water." "Ay," said I, "and why 'Streams of Water'?" "Juist for the reason ye see," said he. Now I knew the shepherd's way, and I held my peace, for it was clear that his mind was revolving other matters, concerned most probably with the high subject of the morrow's prices.

Your uncle's been in his maist three hours syne, and Robin's ill o' the rheumatize, and he's to his bed too, and sae I had to sit up for ye mysell, for as sair a hoast as I hae." Here she coughed once or twice, in further evidence of the egregious inconvenience which she had sustained. "Much obliged to you, Alison, and many kind thanks." "Hegh, sirs, sae fair-fashioned as we are!