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Your uncle's been in his maist three hours syne, and Robin's ill o' the rheumatize, and he's to his bed too, and sae I had to sit up for ye mysell, for as sair a hoast as I hae." Here she coughed once or twice, in further evidence of the egregious inconvenience which she had sustained. "Much obliged to you, Alison, and many kind thanks." "Hegh, sirs, sae fair-fashioned as we are!

Young people should never live idle in the world, nor old ones neither, unless when the rheumatize gets hold of them. It has given me warning already; and in two or three years longer, I shall think of putting aside business and retiring to my farm.

Maybe I'm ower blin' to hae the rheumatize; or to smell the auld weet thack whan there's been a scatterin' o' snaw or a drappy o' rain o' the riggin'!" "I didna want to anger ye, Tibbie. A' that ye say deserves attention. It would be a shame to lat an auld body like you " "No that auld, Maister Bruce, gin ye kent the trowth!"

Ye'll hae dreidfu' rheumatize efter this, Tibbie," said Annie, as she got up on her knees, and proceeded to lift Tibbie's head and shoulders, and draw her up in the bed. But the task was beyond her strength. She could not move the helpless weight, and, in her despair, she let Tibbie's head fall back with a dull plash upon the bolster.

Your uncle's been in his maist three hours syne, and Robin's ill o' the rheumatize, and he's to his bed too, and sae I had to sit up for ye mysell, for as sair a hoast as I hae." Here she coughed once or twice, in further evidence of the egregious inconvenience which she had sustained. "Much obliged to you, Alison, and many kind thanks." "Hegh, sirs, sae fair-fashioned as we are!