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You should have seen him leading that hellish crowd. You would have been proud of your old favourite." "Smart fellow that," muttered Lingard, thoughtfully. Almayer jumped up with a shriek. "And that's all you have to say! Smart fellow! O Lord!" "Don't make a show of yourself. Sit down. Let's talk quietly. I want to know all about it. So he led?" "He was the soul of the whole thing.

Now and then there were night raids, and once Tom and Jack, who had not flown for a week because of rain, were just back of the lines when a captured German patrol was brought in, covered with mud and blood. There had been lively fighting. "I wish we were in on that!" exclaimed Tom. "I'm getting tired of sitting around." "So am I!" agreed Jack. "Let's ask if we can't go out on patrol some night.

"It looks as if we were getting ahead just a little too fast, doesn't it? Well," he added, as they reached the house, "let's try to keep in step with the procession, even if we can't be drum-majors and walk in front of it." And with this cheering tone of confidence in their ears, the two diplomats went soundly asleep again.

I've learned better. You cannot get a thing over to people unless you know something of life speak the language. I'm learning, and when I feel that I cannot help writing I'll write." "Good!" Lynda saw his point; "and now let's haunt the theatres see the machinery in running order. We'll find out what people want and why." So they went to the theatre and read plays.

He's the last man in the place that Compton would suspect. It was just like suggesting to a man that his son was robbing him." "Have you got the goods on him?" asked Edith. "I will have as soon as the C.P.A.'s get to digging into the pay-roll," he replied, "and I just as good as got the information I need even without that. Well, let's forget our troubles. What shall we do?"

"But you'll have to be awfully patient with me, because because " She paused, agitatedly; then went yet a little nearer to him. "You will be kind to me, won't you?" she pleaded. He put his arm about her. "Always, dear," he said. She raised her face. She was still trembling, but her action was one of resolute confidence. "Then let's be friends, Billikins!" she said. It was a tacit invitation.

Wait a bit, and you'll have your turn. How's your shoulder?" "Oh, that does not hurt now, but I do feel rather queer." "No wonder," said the old sailor, looking at the boy searchingly as he ringed up the remainder of the fishing-line. "Let's get ashore." "Oh no. Try for another fish."

"I've treated him badly ever since he came to live with us, and I treated him badly on your account, because whenever I was with him I found it harder to resist the pursuit of God. Now let's leave Mark out of this. Everything was in your favour, I tell you. I was sure that the Devil. . . ." "The Devil!" Starling interrupted. "Your Devil, dear Essie, is as ridiculous as your God.

I saw I could do you some good. But my garden has done more than I did, if you'll believe it. It's wonderful what a garden can do for a man when he lets it have its way. Come, sit down here and bask, master. The sunshine may be gone to-morrow. Let's just sit and think." We sat and thought for a long while. Presently Abel said abruptly: "You don't see the folks I see in this garden, master.

I reckon thet if these yere two bug's wus ter swear thet I killed him as most likely they will them boys wud string me up furst, an' find out fer sure afterwards. Thar ain't so damn much law up yere, an' thet's 'bout whut wud happen. So the sooner I leave these yere parts, the more likely I am ter live a while yet." "Then let's start," decisively.