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The motor car had been traced to Exeter, where it had been hired by a "foreign-looking gentleman," but the chauffeur, whoever he was, had made good his escape. An inspection of Kara's hangars at Wembley showed that his two monoplanes had not been removed, and T. X. failed entirely to trace the owner of the machine he had seen flying over Dartmoor on the fatal morning.

The Chief Commissioner understood. The silence which followed was broken by the loud and insistent ringing of the telephone bell. "Hullo," said Mansus rising quickly; "that's Kara's bell." With two quick strides he was at the telephone and lifted down the receiver. "Hullo," he cried. "Hullo," he cried again.

As it happened, most of Kara's valuable and confidential possessions were at the bank. In a fret of panic and at considerable cost he had the safe removed and another put in its place of such potency that the makers offered to indemnify him against any loss from burglary. T. X. finished his work, washed his hands, and was drying them when Mansus came bursting into the room.

Kara's put down his steel latch," said Fisher with a smile, "which means that he is not to be disturbed until " he looked at his watch, "until eleven o'clock at any rate." "He's a funk!" snapped the other, "a beastly funk!" He stamped down the stairs as though testing the weight of every tread, opened the front door without assistance, slammed it behind him and disappeared into the night.

At last Kara's sword broke, and he grappled with a foe, and they rolled down together, and he was cut to pieces, dying like the brave man that he was. Umslopogaas was alone now, but he never blenched or turned.

The heat of the room was unbearable even on that bleak February night. "This is a pleasant surprise," said Kara, sitting up; "I hope you don't mind my dishabille." T. X. came straight to the point. "Where is Miss Holland!" he asked. "Miss Holland?" Kara's eyebrows advertised his astonishment. "What an extraordinary question to ask me, my dear man!

Had Fate allowed her to choose her own and Kara's rescuers she would have selected the two figures now appearing at the brow of the east side of the hill. They wore the uniforms of Boy Scouts and were the brothers of one of the girls in her own Patrol. They were also her own intimate friends. "Don, Lance!" Tory exclaimed, a little breathless and incoherent.

Tory Drew frowned upon her, and then realizing the truth of what she had said, her expression changed and she nodded agreement. Why should she expect that all the other girls must appreciate as she did the degree of Kara's misfortune and the necessity to do something to make her lot easier without delay. The girl she was looking down upon always had amused Kara and herself.

Hammond indicated with his walking stick the exact spot where Kara's chair had been the moment before. "I have always felt we should have had this floor removed. Kara, if you will give me permission, when the summer camping days have passed, I should like to undertake it. There isn't one chance in a thousand we should come across anything, but it would be worth while to try, would it not?"

When Kara thought that every one was asleep, he asked his cow for some food and having made a good meal went to sleep. The man watching up above saw everything and found that his wife had spoken the truth; so in the middle of the night he climbed down and led away Kara's magic cow and put in its place one of his own cows of the same colour.