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George hesitated, looked out of the window and a brand-new thought forced its way into his mind as if a closet had been suddenly opened, revealing a skeleton he had either forgotten or had put permanently out of sight. There WAS need of this "original cost" instant need something he had entirely forgotten. Jemima would soon need it perhaps needed it at that very minute.

You come 'long wid me 'tain't far; des around de corner. I'll show ye sompin' make ye creep all over. An' it ain't gettin' no better gettin' wuss. Dis way, Manse Harry. You been 'cross de big water, ain't ye? Dat's what I heared. Aunt Jemima been mighty good, but we can't go on dis way much longer."

Dale's convictions as to Riccabocca's scruples on the point of honour, tended much to compose the good man; and if he did not, as my reader of the gentler sex would expect from him, feel alarm lest Miss Jemima's affections should have been irretrievably engaged, and her happiness thus put in jeopardy by the squire's refusal, it was not that the parson wanted tenderness of heart, but experience in womankind; and he believed, very erroneously, that Miss Jemima Hazeldean was not one upon whom a disappointment of that kind would produce a lasting impression.

Sally was called in, and would bring a candle with her, to have a close inspection of her, in order to see if she was changed she had not seen her for so long a time, she said; and Jemima stood laughing and blushing in the middle of the room, while Sally studied her all over, and would not be convinced that the old gown which she was wearing for the last time was not one of the new wedding ones.

For, after all, the word belonged to that class in the female vocabulary which may be called "obscure significants," resembling the Konx Ompax, which hath so puzzled the inquirers into the Eleusinian Mysteries: the application is rather to be illustrated than the meaning to be exactly explained. "That's really a sweet little dog of yours, Jemima," said Mrs.

As far as the servants were concerned, it may be a question whether the coming of the bailiffs had not hitherto been regarded as a treat. "If you please, ma'am," said Jemima cook, "they wishes to know in which room you'd be pleased to have the inmin-tory took fust. 'Cause, ma'am, they wouldn't disturb you nor master more than can be avoided.

Jemima had rebelled against these hard doctrines of her father's, but their frequent repetition had had its effect, and led her to look upon those who had gone astray with shrinking, shuddering recoil, instead of with a pity so Christ-like as to have both wisdom and tenderness in it.

Durnford," resumed "Cobbler" Horn, "tells me it is a common thing for young ladies to be secretaries now-a-days; and he very highly recommended this one in particular." Miss Jemima knew, that if her brother's mind was made up, it would be useless to withstand his will. "When is she coming?" was all she said. "I don't know. Mr. Durnford promised to write and ask her to come and see us first.

MRS. DALE. "Pugs? I dare say they are!" "True, my love, but the whole thing was so mixed up!" MISS JEMIMA. "You saw that cold-blooded case of Breach of Promise of Marriage in the papers, an old wretch, too, of sixty-four. No age makes them a bit better. And when one thinks that the end of all flesh is approaching, and that " "Yes, my love, we'll avoid that subject, if you please. Mr.

"Brother, brother," she cried, "do you understand what your words may mean?" "Yes, Jemima in part, at least. But we must make sure. First we will put the two shoes together, and see that they really are the same." "Why, surely, Thomas, you have no doubt?" "There seems little room for it, indeed; but we cannot make too sure!"