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And swear they did, with mouth-filling, curdling oaths, as though in vain hope their flaming words would quite consume that evilly known vessel. In the midst of that bedlam I stood thinking strange thoughts. It is hardly credible, but I was considering if I should tell the Swede I would ship in the Golden Bough.

Then, talking at a great rate and hardly stopping for a moment to take breath, he asked that, if any one had evil intentions, the truth might be revealed before the evilly disposed one was allowed to enter the Madang houses, and that, if any Madang, whether related to him or not, wished to disturb the peace which was about to be made with the Baram people, his designs should be revealed.

"I'll lick you next time," yelled Dick, evilly. "You stuck-up little snot!" Miss Amanda Hill, the teacher, rang the bell, calling all her scholars in, and school began once more. Dick Hardman sat across the room from Pan and behind the teacher's back he made ugly faces at Pan and, more than that, put his nose to his thumb. Pan understood that, and quick as a flash, he returned the compliment.

Nevertheless there was a wild grandeur in the site, flooded all with crimson as the sun sank in the clear western sky beyond the Plains themselves, so that our plateau was still bathed in ruddy color when the Red Basin upon the one hand had deepened to purple and the white blotches of soda and alkali down in the Plains upon the other hand gleamed evilly in a tenuous gloaming.

Yes it was ten. Why?" "Oh nothing." "Was he at Sinclairs'?" "He came as it was over. He and Lottie brought me home." Ruth was eyeing her cousin evilly. "How did you two get on?" Susan flushed from head to foot. "Oh so-so," she answered, in an uncertain voice. "I don't know why he didn't come to Sinclairs'," snapped Ruth. Susan flushed again a delicious warmth from head to foot. She knew why.

And then I called to mind a July evening, years ago, the twilight summer-house and a sweet grave voice that said, 'Have a care how you touch the treasure: it was evilly come by and will bring a curse with it. Ay, 'twas the diamond had done it all, and brought a blight upon my life, since that first night I spent in Moonfleet vault; and I cursed the stone, and Blackbeard and his lost Mohunes, and trudged on bearing their cognizance branded on my face.

They knew I couldn't get justice. So I let 'em believe I owned the boat and I've got fifty apiece for us." "Sixty," said Violet. "Fifty. There are six of us." "You don't count in this little Jonah here, do you?" cried Violet, scowling evilly at Susan. "No no don't count me in," begged Susan. "I didn't lose anything." Mabel pinched her arm. "You're right, Mr. Burlingham," said she.

Doubtless he was a bit mad, as are all the isolated men who sit in distant lands longing for the voices of friendship. Next morning he hastened to take the train for Oxford to get away from his loneliness, which lolled evilly beside him in the compartment. He tried to convey to a stodgy North Countryman his interest in the way the seats faced each other.

Take shame to yourselves, and restrain them; fear the reproach of men, and the wrath of Heaven, and suffer me not thus to be evilly entreated, unless ye harbour revengeful thoughts against my father, for some wrong which he has done you." He had spoken thus far, when tears choked his voice, and flinging the sceptre on the ground he returned to his seat.

She recognized him in spite of his discolored face, the result of a long, uninterrupted debauch. It was Bolles. As he caught her eye he smiled evilly and leered at her. "Wait, my beauty; wait. I'll kill that brother of yours one of these fine days, damn him!"