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"You wouldn't if you was engaged to Mister Roberts," answered Sarah. "Of course seeing him every day makes all the difference. And as to work, there's nothing in it, for everybody's got to work at 'The Seven Stars, I can tell you, and the work's never done there." "It's the company I should like," declared the other. "I'd give a lot to see new people every day.

"Yes; and cut his tail off with the spade," cried Mercer. "You spoiled him." "Well, I couldn't help that, sir; and I must go now, 'fore the gardener comes along." "Why, you said you wanted to see him." "So I did, sir; but I don't think I will. Everybody's so agen me now. Pay me the two shillin' you owe me." "I won't. I don't owe you a penny." "Then pay a shilling of it now, sir.

When they claimed that the obsessional form could easily BE character I retorted, perhaps superficially, "Whose?" It couldn't be everybody's it might end in being nobody's. After I had drawn Mrs.

She's comin' up here soon's she's landed her stuff." "She's not comin' up here!" "Why not? Anybody can come up on the Moosehide, and everybody's doin' it. I'm goin' to make way for some of 'em." "Did she see you?" "Well, she's seen Potts, anyhow." "You're right about Dawson," said the Colonel suddenly; "it's too rich for my blood."

But if you are sensible of having committed any faults, you may resolve to behave so well for the future that you may deserve everybody's friendship and esteem; few people are so perfect as not to err sometimes, and if you are convinced of your errors, you will be more cautious how you give way to them a second time. Tommy. Indeed, sir, I am very happy to hear you say so.

"Who says 'drinks all around'?" cried the former. "Everybody's blowing us off now." "Here," said Jackson, waking up, "I'll do it, hanged if I don't. You fellows are a-goin' to civilize the Cubapinos, and you deserve all the liquor you can carry." He got up and approached the bar and the crowd followed him, and soon every one was supplied with some kind of beverage. "Here's to Thatcher and Slade!

It's that nest o' ministers does the mischief, I tell you." "Ah, it's fine talking," observed Mrs. Poyser, who was now seated near her husband, with Totty on her lap "it's fine talking. It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on." "As for this peace," said Mr.

I am awf'lly tired." Little globes of gladness welled up in her eyes. "Everybody's so good to me, Billie. I didn't know folks were so kind. I can't think what I can ever do to pay them back." "I'll tell you how. You be good to yourself, honey," he told her with a sudden wave of emotion as he caught and held her tight in his arms. "You quit takin' chances with blizzards an' crazy gunmen an' "

"And what's nobody's business is everybody's business," added Mrs. Wright. "Good!" exclaimed Mrs. Norton. "Where did you hear that, Kitty?" "I just heard myself say it. I did it with my little hatchet." "Sort of a double-edged axiom," observed Mrs. Harmon. "I am su-u-u-ure," chimed Grandma Plympton, "that if Mr.

"My mind has a twist aside, like almost everybody's mind, except your own. "There!" cried Phoebe with renewed vexation; for she was by nature as hostile to mystery as the sunshine to a dark corner. "You puzzle me more than ever!" "Then let us part friends!" said Holgrave, pressing her hand. "Or, if not friends, let us part before you entirely hate me. You, who love everybody else in the world!"