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But now he is older and more sensible and has had responsibilities; and I am su-u-u-ure it will be a fine match for any young lady." It is hardly in human nature to shatter such illusions. Thereafter, the subject of the evening was more guardedly treated, pending her departure.

If it had n't been for that he would n't have taken Fred along; for you know I can't put a saddle on Major myself. Jonas will probably be back to-day or to-morrow he said." "I am su-u-u-ure," said little Grandma Plympton, in her sweet and feeble tremolo, "I am su-u-u-ure that if we had all asked Mr. Hicks to get us a stone he would most willingly have done so. Mr.

I wish Jonas Hicks was back, because Uncle Israel does not know very much, really, about stock. I am so worried. He held his head out so funny, I thought maybe it was something the matter with the ring in his nose. But it wasn't. He is just sick." "I am su-u-u-ure," said Grandma Plympton, "that if Jonas Hicks were back he could give him something that would relieve him."

"And what's nobody's business is everybody's business," added Mrs. Wright. "Good!" exclaimed Mrs. Norton. "Where did you hear that, Kitty?" "I just heard myself say it. I did it with my little hatchet." "Sort of a double-edged axiom," observed Mrs. Harmon. "I am su-u-u-ure," chimed Grandma Plympton, "that if Mr.