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Run somewhere anywhere, away from the lurid sight she was facing. Or run perhaps, to the Great City; to race with that black cloud of death; to run fast and far, and burst into our palace to warn us. Tarrano himself lost in triumphant contemplation of what he had done, for the moment was heedless of Elza's presence.

He became more serious. "You, Georg you could build one of those models?" Georg did not answer. "You could, of course," Tarrano insisted. "My spy, Ahla you remember her, the Lady Elza's maid for so long? She is here in Venia; she tells me of your knowledge and skill with your father's apparatus. So you see, I realize I have two to guard the model itself, and you, who know its secret."

Should I have told her, 'Captain Ulrich, whom you love, and whom your father wants to become your husband, loves me; and I, whom you call your best friend, although she is but a peasant-girl, while you are the daughter of a nobleman, will take your lover from you and make him my husband? No, sir, never could I have said so; never should I have been capable of breaking Elza's heart: I preferred to break my own!"

"Great God!" murmured Eliza, clinging anxiously to Elza's arm, "If he resists, he is lost." "Here I am, my brave soldiers!" shouted Ulrich von Hohenberg a second time. "Come to me, my brave lads! I have been locked up here; hence, I cannot come to you. Come up to me, then. Knock the doors in, and deliver your captain." "First, let them deliver themselves, sir," shouted Wallner up to him.

His smile was wistful. "We must choose the lesser evil." Still gently, almost sorrowfully, but with a directness and clarity of thought which amazed me, he plunged into a detailed account of what Georg was to do in command of our forces. My own part in it, already planned by him in detail. Maida's part. Elza's. The division of Rhaal maidens. Girlhood in war! It seemed very strange.

"I am ready," said Ulrich, holding out his hand to Eliza with a happy smile. "Farewell, Eliza; I shall return with your Elza in two weeks." ELZA's RETURN. A splendid festival was being celebrated at Innspruck on the 3d of October, and there were great rejoicings in the city. A message of love and joy had reached Innspruck from the headquarters of the Emperor Francis at Totis.

But she felt that Elza's lips quivered, that she did not return the kiss, nor press the friend to her heart; and it seemed to Eliza as though a cold hand suddenly touched her heart and pressed it rudely and cruelly. She raised her head from Elza's shoulder, and looked her full in the face. It was not until now that she saw how pale Elza was, how red her eyes with weeping, and how forced her smile.

Elza's words were still beating in my brain. Soundless words of terror and warning! "Death, Jac! Death to all the city! The black cloud of death!" Tarrano the Man "Wake up, Lady Elza." A silence. His hand touched her white shoulder. "Wake up, Lady Elza. It is I Tarrano." Elza opened her eyes, struggling to confused wakefulness.

Elza's voice was very gentle; and a whimsical smile was plucking at her lips. "You think I want him because he is a genius the greatest man of our time?" "Yes!" "Is that why you want him?" "No, I love him." "You loved him before he was very great, didn't you?" "Yes. Back in the Cold Country. When he was only a boy and I was no more than a girl half grown. I love him for himself, I tell you "

"Enough of this. We cannot dare not talk in here. Father, come " We went out into the corridor again, across which was the small room insulated from all aerial vibrations. In the corridor a figure was standing the one other member of the Brende household the maid-servant, a girl about Elza's age. I knew her well, of course, but this evening I had forgotten her existence.