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Dorinda says they have a very pretty daughter." I made no comment. I was not interested in pretty daughters, just then. The memory of the girl in the auto was too fresh in my mind. "Did you go to the post-office, Roscoe?" asked Mother. "I suppose there were no letters. There seldom are." Then I remembered the letter in my pocket. I had forgotten it altogether.

"You may tell him yourself, Captain Dean," said I. "What is it?" My unexpected entrance caused a sensation. Lute, sitting on the edge of one of the kitchen chairs, an agonized expression on his face, started so violently that he almost lost his balance. Dorinda, standing with her back toward me, turned quickly.

Daphnis, overcome with shame at the exposure of his villany, is glad to find a friend in the despised Dorinda, while Nerina rewards her faithful Hylas in accordance with her father's promise. Meanwhile at court Silvia and Thirsis have been surprised in their secret interview, and both doomed to die by the anger of the king.

Lady Dorinda had one large box bound with iron, hidden in a nook beyond her bed. She took the key from its usual secret place and busied herself opening the box. Marie and Antonia heard her speak a word of surprise, but the curtained bed hid her from them.

As he could not carry his riches with him, he supposed it would be making some atonement for his ungenerous conduct, by leaving the injured Dorinda every thing he possessed. Alas! it came too late, for she was no more.

The usual log, however, burned in cheer, and families had reunited in distinct nests. A pavilion of tapestry was set up for Lady Dorinda and all her treasures, near the stairs: the southern window of her chamber had been made a target. Le Rossignol sat on a table, with the four expectant children still dancing in front of her. Was it not Pâques evening?

So you see, Dorinda dear, that I cannot ask any favours of Uncle Eugene." "Yes, I see," said Dorinda understandingly. To herself she added, "But I don't see why I shouldn't." Dorinda thought hard and long for the next few days about the capital difficulties.

It proves, however, to be Dorinda, who has throughout followed his chase disguised in the rough wolf-skin coat of a herdsman, and who is now led fainting on to the scene by Lupino. Silvio is overcome with remorse, and, careless alike of his troth to Amarilli and of the fate of Arcadia, declares that thenceforth he will love none but Dorinda, and will die with her should his arrow prove fatal.

I folded the check, put it in my pocketbook, and, hastily scribbling a receipt in pencil at the bottom of Colton's note, replaced the latter in the envelope and handed it to Johnson, who departed. Entering the dining-room I found Dorinda and Lute at the window, peering after the butler. "By time!" exclaimed Lute, "if I didn't know I should say he was a bigger big-bug than old Colton himself.

"I beg your pardon," I said, hurriedly. "I I was daydreaming, I guess." "So I imagined. I forgive you; this lunch would tempt me to forgive greater sins than yours. Did that delightful old housekeeper of yours cook all these nice things?" "She did. So you think Dorinda delightful, do you?" "Yes. She is so sincere and good-hearted. And so odd and bright and funny. I could listen to her for hours."