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I shou'd rather think the Argument lay; that since there were so many faults, in all parts of the World and divertion of life, Men shou'd not look out for more of this Trash to offend their Company with, and foment the Disease, but get clear away from all the Infection they cou'd, and lay in a Stock of such agreeable and wholsom provisions, as might enable them to treat others with Safety and Ease, and sometimes to correct the ill humours they found.

Nay, I knew he would be civil, Madam, or I would have borne you Company; but neither my Mistress nor I, cou'd sleep one wink all Night, for fear of a Discovery in the Morning; and to save the poor Gentleman a tumbling Cast from the Window, my Mistress, just at day-break, feigned her self wondrous sick, I was called, desired to go to Signior Spadilio's the Apothecary's, at the next Door, for a Cordial; and so he slipt out; but the Story of this false Count pleases me extremely, and, if it should take, Lord, what mirth we shall have.

Why, who art thou Diana? Dia. Yes, that Diana, Whom, maugre all the Penitence thou shew'st, Can scarce forgive the Injuries thou hast done her. Bel. I shew a Penitence for injuring thee! By Heav'n, I never cou'd do one, or other; All that I am is the divine Celinda's. Friend. Bel. Cel. Canst thou not credit me? She pardons thee. Bel. What art thou, who know'st her Heart so well?

I had given my party Orders not to fire until I gave the word, which they punctually observed: We rec'd the Indians' fire: When I perceived they had almost all fired, I ordered my party to fire which We did not further than 12 steps each loaded with a Bullet and 7 Buck Shot, they had nothing to cover them as they were advancing either to tomahawk us or make us Prisoners: They found the fire very hot from so small a Number which a good deal confused them: I then ordered my party to retreat, as I found the Instant our skirmish began another party had attacked the fort, upon our reinforcing the garrison the Indians were soon repulsed with I am sure a considerable Loss, from what I myself saw as well as those I can confide in they cou'd not have less than 10 or 12 killed and wounded; The next Morning we found a great deal of Blood and one dead whom I suppose they cou'd not find in the night.

Stay, Sir stay Lord, Sir, what need you put your self to that trouble? your Land is in safe hands, Sir; come, come, sit down and let us take a Glass of Wine together, Sir Bel. Gay. Your Servant, Sir. Wou'd I cou'd come to speak to Bellmour, which I dare not do in publick, lest I betray him.

But it may be ask'd, Cou'd he not have done that without exposing so many great Genius's? Had it not been better to have let Mr. Durfey alone? Tho' even this Method wou'd not have pleas'd every body; for whate'er Effect it has had on Mr. Vanbroug and Congreve; Motteux and Guildon resent it to the last degree. Is their nothing in their Works Illustrious, or that cou'd merit Censure?

Phi. From Gods and Men, Erminia, thou art safe, My best and blest Erminia. Er. Sir, in my coming hither I met Aminta, Who I may fear has alarm'd all the Court; She took me for a Ghost, and ran away, E'er I cou'd undeceive her. Falatius too, afrighted even to death Alcan. Faith, that was lucky, Madam. Enter Galatea and Aminta lighted. Gal. Ah, Brother, there's such news abroad Phi.

Yes, I would marry him, though our scanty Fortune Cou'd only purchase us A lonely Cottage, in some silent Place, All cover'd o'er with Thatch, Defended from the Outrages of Storms By leafless Trees, in Winter; and from Heat, With Shades, which their kind Boughs wou'd bear anew; Under whose Covert we'd feed our gentle Flock, That shou'd in gratitude repay us Food, And mean and humble Clothing.

Then they fasten'd Iron Bars to the Spokes of the Wheel, and turn'd it about with such Celerity, that not one Man of those that hung upon it cou'd be discern'd from another; for the whole Wheel appear'd like a Circle of Fire: And when they had fasten'd the Soldier to it and, by turning it about, lift him up in the Air, he called upon the Name of Jesus, and came down unhurt.

'Tis now much alter'd, and adapted to our English Theatre and Genius, who cannot find an Entertainment at so cheap a Rate as the French will, who are content with almost any Incoherences, howsoever shuffled together under the Name of a Farce; which I have endeavour'd as much as the thing wou'd bear, to bring within the compass of Possibility and Nature, that I might as little impose upon the Audience as I cou'd; all the Words are wholly new, without one from the Original.