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"Oh," observed Wiley, "that's two dollars for the marriage license and the rest for the wedding journey. Well, if it's as serious as that " He reached for his check-book and Charley cackled with merriment. "Yes, yes," he said, "then I would be crazy. Do you know what the Colonel told me? "'Charley, he says, 'whatever you do, don't marry no talking woman.

At this moment the King, who had been for some time busily writing in his note-book, cackled out 'Silence! and read out from his book, 'Rule Forty-two. Everybody looked at Alice. 'I'M not a mile high, said Alice. 'You are, said the King. 'Nearly two miles high, added the Queen. 'Well, I shan't go, at any rate, said Alice: 'besides, that's not a regular rule: you invented it just now.

Donkies brayed, geese and turkeys hissed and gobbled, chickens cackled and fighting-cocks, tethered by the leg, strutted and crowed, while brown children of all sizes and ages laughed and screamed as they chased one another in and out among the crowds or rolled in the dust beneath the pedestrian's feet.

"Too tired, I reckon." "Yes works so hard!" "Oh, you bet!" They cackled at that, and went on by. Tom said we better jump out and tag along after them, because they was going our way and it wouldn't be comfortable to run across the ghost all by ourselves. So we done it, and got home all right. That night was the second of September a Saturday. I sha'n't ever forget it. You'll see why, pretty soon.

Already the sparrows had begun to hop and twitter beneath the thatch, already the gander had cackled thrice, and after it, as an echo, the ducks and turkeys resounded in chorus, and one could hear the bellowing of the kine on their way to the fields. The young men had arisen; Thaddeus still lay dozing, for he had gone to sleep last of all.

"Pshaw! they ain't proud, I reckon," cackled the old lady, gathering up her knitting and dropping it into the beaded bag, which she shut with a snap. "But isn't there anybody proud of them?" queried Janice. "Haven't they mothers or wives or sisters?" The old lady stared at her. Then she made a sudden clicking in her throat that might have been a chuckle. "I declare for't, child!" she ejaculated.

"All of you who are not able to earn your own fires shall be warm this winter," her ladyship's handsome sister said, speaking closer to his ear. "You shall all be warm. Don't be afraid of the cold days coming." He shuffled his sticks and touched his forehead again, looking up at her admiringly and chuckling. "'T'will be a new tale for Stornham village," he cackled. "'T'will be a new tale.

Strangman cackled his customary nervous laugh. "Then that is settled," he said, "and here is the ticket. You will have to have a fancy dress, hire it, I suppose, since the time is so short. That, and a taxi there and back, will come out of the paper. Hope it is a good show, for your sake."

His countenance had a singular air of gravity; and especially the round hooked nose, on which was a huge pair of spectacles, distinguished itself from all the noses ever seen. He wore a strange peruke too more like a feather-cap than a wig. "Ey, many good evenings!" grated and cackled the little comical mannikin. "Is the student Herr Anselmus among you, gentlemen?

The doctor's residence was surrounded by a high white picket-fence: stately, widespreading live-oaks shaded it, and the spacious courtyard had a neat and carefully-kept aspect. Crowing cocks, and hens each with her brood, were scratching and picking about, the geese cackled, and several well-trained dogs gave us a noisy welcome.