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And then to see you spending pounds and pounds on school-benches and books, and talking of it not mattering if you was paid or not paid; and me weighing every penny-piece, and your father counting the pipefuls in his tobacco-jar. Aw, 'tis cruel hard! Cruel! cruel!" "Now, then, mother, dry your eyes and there let me kiss them dry.

Has he catched no rabbits lately?" "Nay, aw dunnot know 'at he does. Aw get nought; an' it's ME at wants summat, Mr Eccles," replied the old woman, in a tremulous tone, with the water rising in her eyes. "Well, come; we mustn't punish th' owd woman for her son," said one of the guardians. Various forms of the feebleness of age appeared before the Board that day.

The first jasper that comes by is going to jump it, sure don't you know, boy, I've got to get back. What's the chances for borrowing your mule?" "What Tellurium?" faltered the boy going over to the mule and rubbing his nose regretfully, "he's he's a pet; I'd rather not." "Aw come on now, I'll pay you well I'll stake you the claim next to mine. That ought to be worth lots of money."

Flinks, and flung away his staff and drew very near to her. "Gimme that money, do you hear!" "Don't you dare touch me!" she panted; "ah, don't you dare!" "Aw, hell!" said Mr. Flinks, disgustedly, and his dirty hands were upon her, and his foul breath reeked in her face. In her hour of need Margaret's heart spoke. "Billy!" she wailed; "oh, Billy, Billy!"

David Ramsay started at once from his reverie, and answered in a pettish tone, "Wow, George, man, what needs aw this din about sax score o' pounds?

Hitherto Anne had been his ideal of gentle girlhood, but in Judy he now found a kindred spirit, a girl with a daring that more than matched his own a girl who loved the sea who knew about the sea who could tell him things. "Aw I don't know," he said, uncertainly. "I guess I can run away if I want to, Anne." "No, you can't," cried Anne. "You ought not to encourage him, Judy."

"Well, don't go and get excited at the supper table and eat your pie with a spoon!" Chuck laughed. "Aw, hell," Charley retorted, "I guess I know how to act " "Old Heck's going to buy some finger-bowls for you to wash your hands in," Bert said scornfully, "him and Parker " "Shut up, I told you, you darned idiots," Parker snapped. "They're out on the front porch and can hear you!"

You're real unselfish, you are; and you wouldn't eat all the nice-ripe-red-strawberries- raised-under-glass-ripe-red-strawberries and give your neighbor none. And give your neighbor none, you-shan't-have-any-of-my-nice-ripe-red- strawberries-who-gives-his-neighbor Molly, give it back! Aw, now, Molly! You wouldn't eat all the nice-ripe Hold on! Bert Montaigne, that's a beastly shame!

"Aw, it wasn't so much his fault, leastways he said he didn't care if I went," he muttered, digging his bare foot into the gravel on one side of the stone flagging. "After they had him arrested he said I had to go." "Didn't you want to go?" urged Brother, round-eyed. "I think it's lots of fun to go to school."

'Aw 'm sayin', he remarked to Merton, 'you're no Lairdie Bower. 'Hear till the man! Aw 'm Tammy Hamilton, o' Moss End in Lanerick. Aw 'm ganging to see ma Jean. 'For day or night Ma fancy's flight Is ever wi' ma Jean Ma bonny, bonny, flat-footed Jean, sang Merton, gliding from the strains of Robert Burns into those of Mr. Boothby.