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"By no means, Paddy," retorted Gurney; "I could swum off to sea and be drownded if I liked." "No ye couldn't, avic," said Briant. "Why not?" demanded Gurney. "'Cause ye haven't the pluck," replied Phil. "I'll pluck the nose off yer face," said Gurney, in affected anger. "No ye won't," cried Phil, "'cause av ye do I'll spile the soup by heavin' it all over ye."

In twenty minutes, spent anxiously watching her, the ship raised her topsails slowly above the line of blue, and then we saw she really was jammed on the wind and reaching along toward us rapidly. "'Tis the Pirit, an' no mistake!" cried the carpenter. "Look at them r'yals! No one but th' bit av a mate, Trunnell, iver mastheaded a yard like that." "The Pirate!" yelled Johnson, from forward.

I must ha' been on forty or fifty prisoners' gyards, first an' last, an' I hate ut new ivry time." "Let's see. You were on Losson's, Lancey's, Dugard's, and Stebbins's, that I can remember," I said. "Ay, an' before that an' before that scores av thim," he answered with a worn smile. "Tis betther to die than to live for thim, though.

I'd like to be a gintleman av leisure all the time, that I would, sor. The touch I've had av it to-day may be the sp'iling av me. If you're a smart man, Mr. Brandon Booth, ye'll not be letting me off for a holiday like this again very soon." Booth laughed outright. Pat's face wrinkled into a slow, forgiving grin. "I love you, Pat," cried the painter, "in spite of the way you bark at me."

But I was determined, av' I ever did marry Anty Lynch, that I would be agent and owner too, myself, as long as I lived; though in course it was but right that they should settle it so that av' I died first, the poor crature shouldn't be out of her money.

But if I should venture a guess, I should say it was some one who didn't want me to answer the first call for breakfast at your end-of-track camp this morning. What do we do?" Gallagher was thinking. "We passed a camp av surfacers tin mile back, and there'd be rails at Arroyo Siding, tin mile back o' thot," he said reflectively.

It saves hearin' what you don't want to know. An' me size just suited the case. Don't never take on airs, you big hulkin' fellow. No graceful prince is iver goin' to haul you over the saddle-bow thinkin' you're the choice av his heart. It saved Marjie, an' it got Jean clear av town before he found his mistake, which wa'n't bad for Springvale. Down by Fingal's Creek I come to, an' we had a rumpus.

Did they take yer bet? Ye sun-burned limb av the divil did they take ut?" "They sure did," drawled the driver. "I had my gun on them all the time." "Hurroo! An' did I do ut? Tell me quick did I do ut? Sure I could aisy av nothin' happened." "You laid your first pair on top of the three, then the police called the game and the bets were off." "They pinched the house?" "They took you an' me."

Come, Joe Dumsby, strike up," cried one of the men. O'Connor, who was one of the most reckless of men in regard to duty and propriety, here shook his head gravely, and took upon himself to read his comrade a lesson. "Ye shouldn't talk o' sitch things in workin' hours," said he. "Av we wos all foolish, waake-hidded cratures like you, how d'ye think we'd iver git the lighthouse sot up!

When I'm called upon in the rigular way, and has a rigular question put me before the Jury, either at Sessions or 'Sizes, you'll find I'll not be bothered for an answer, and, av' that's all, I b'lieve I may be going," and he made a movement towards the door.