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A man who had drunk quite as much as was good for him told me that this was "the finest hotel in the finest city on God Almighty's earth." By the way, when an American wishes to indicate the next country or state, he says, "God A'mighty's earth." This prevents discussion and flatters his vanity. Then I went out into the streets, which are long and flat and without end.

But his hair was blond, and his eyes were blue, and just now they were filled with unbounded amazement. Slowly the fork loaded with beans descended to his plate, and he said again, barely above a whisper: "Where in God A'mighty's name DID you come from?" There was nothing human in the one room of his wilderness cabin to speak of.

"'Forgive'? Who can forgive but the Lard, an' what is man that he should forgive them as the A'mighty's damned? 'Tis the sinners' bleat an' whine for forgiveness what's crackin' the ear o' God whensoever 'tis bent 'pon airth. Ain't your religion taught you that you, Thomas Chirgwin? If not, 'tis a brawken reed, man.

"Never tu late to do a gude deed," declared Billy; "an' you'll have to come to it, or you'll get the skin cussed off your back afore you 'm done with. Gormed if ever I seed sich a man as you! Theer be some gude points about 'e, as everything must have from God A'mighty's workshop, down to poisonous varmints. But certain sure am I that you don't ought to think twice 'pon this job."

Whatever in Gawd A'mighty's world you was borned for certainly is more'n I can tell and I your Maw at that, that orto know if anybody could." "Madam," I interrupted, astonished at this discourse, "what do you mean by such talk to your son for I presume he is your son. Why do you abuse him in this way?" I was sorry for the shivering wretch whom she had made the object of her wrath.

And there at the back of the room a small boy stood up on his form, and stretched out both hands to the painted ship, and shrieked and panted. There was a blank silence, and then the matron hurried up, took him firmly in her arms, and carried him out. "Don't go oh, for the Lord A'mighty's sake, don't go!"

"'A faltered on from one day to another, and then we heard he was gone." "D'ye think he had great pain when 'a died?" said Christian. "O no: quite different. Nor any pain of mind. He was lucky enough to be God A'mighty's own man." "And other folk d'ye think 'twill be much pain to 'em, Mister Fairway?" "That depends on whether they be afeard."

Ain't it well for me I wa'n't born a hunderd year ago? Shouldn't I ha' sizzled well? An' now, all there is to burn me is God A'mighty's sunshine!" Elvin laughed lightly. "I guess I don't need any fortune," he said. "Mine looks pretty fair now. I don't feel as if anybody'd better meddle with it." But he had not withdrawn his arm, and his gaze still dwelt on hers.

There's the devil in the old Cape weather, teacher, and he never skipped four seasons yit! If it ain't one time, it must be another. Yis, yis! mild winter on the Cape, and no March to speak on, and a hurricane in summer! Wall, we're both on us right, ma, and we're both on us wrong. It ain't neither wind ner rain, but the heavens let loose, and God A'mighty's own power a blowin' of it. Yis, yis!

"But Andy Gilmore was back of that lie; it was him told me what I was to say, and it's him that kept houndin' me, puttin' me up to say more than I ever agreed to!" He slouched nearer the judge. "Boss, I chuck up the whole business; do you understand? I want to take back all I said; I'm willin' to tell the God A'mighty's truth!" He paused abruptly.