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"How long had you figured I was to get on the Island? Or was it yore intention to stop my clock for good?" "Say, how did youse get into de house?" demanded big Dave. "Move over to the other side of the room, Gorilla, and join yore two friends," suggested the master of ceremonies. "And don't make any mistake. If you do you won't have time to be sorry for it. I'll ce'tainly shoot to kill."

She ain't well now and her money's about run out, I reckon. Say! did youse ever find them two greenies youse was lookin' for?" she suddenly asked Nan. "Oh, no! We're looking for them now," Nan replied. "Have you seen them, Inez?" "I dunno. I b'lieve my friend may know something about them." "You mean the girl you are with?" Nan asked. "Yep." "Who is she?" asked Bess.

"Youse're de only chance I got. Will youse swear youse won't t'row me down if I tells youse somet'ing? I ain't got no other way. Will youse swear youse'll see me through?" "Of course, Nan," said Rhoda Gray soothingly. "Of course, I will, Nan. I promise." Gypsy Nan came up on her elbow. "Dat ain't good enough!" she cried out. "A promise ain't good enough! For Gawd's sake, come across all de way!

He spoke again from the corner of his mouth, almost inaudibly. "Are youse sure it was Stace croaked Metzer? Wot fer? How'd yer know?" The Runt was listening, his eyes strained toward the stairs. The hall door to the street was closed, but both were quite well aware that there was an officer on guard outside. "He told me," whispered the Runt. "Metzer was fixin' ter snitch on him ter-night.

"Well, couldn't we?" said Spike, doggedly. "It ain't often youse butts into a dead-easy proposition like dis one. We shouldn't have to do a t'ing excep' git busy. De stuff's just lyin' about, boss." "I shouldn't wonder." "Aw, it's a waste to leave it." "Spike," said Jimmy, "I warned you of this. I begged you to be on your guard, to fight against your professional instincts. Be a man! Crush them.

"That ain't far from here, so I'll be pretty near in case I'm wanted. Hullo, who's here?" He pointed to the door. A small boy was standing there, holding a note. "Mr. Smith?" "Sir to you," said Psmith courteously. "P. Smith?" "The same. This is your lucky day." "Cop at Jefferson Market give me dis to take to youse." "A cop in Jefferson Market?" repeated Psmith.

And if dere's any picnics or red balloons to be dealt out here, Mike's money pays for 'em see? Don't you butt in, or something'll be handed to you. Youse d settlers and reformers with your social ologies and your millionaire detectives have got dis district in a hell of a fix, anyhow.

"I'll get youse yet," spluttered the moist one through his watery whiskers. "Ferget it," admonished Billy, "an' hit the trail." He pointed toward the railroad right of way. "An' you, too, John L," he added turning to the other victim of his artistic execution, who was now sitting up. "Hike!"

"Youse don't call dese little runts bandits?" "Baby bandits, Billy, baby bandits," replied Bridge. "An' you're goin' to stan' fer lettin' 'em pull off this rough stuff without handin' 'em a come-back?" demanded Byrne. "We seem to be up against just that very thing," said Bridge. "There are four carbines quite ready for us. It would mean sudden death to resist now.

Others pointed out that this would mean abandoning the siege of the roof. The scout who had brought the news was eloquent in favor of the first course. Sure, dere's a whole bunch of dem, and unless youse come on down dey'll bite de hull head off of us lot. Leave dat stiff on de roof.