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"Now ain't ye glad youse ain't down dere a-waitin' fur a boat what don't come?" "Sure I am," declared the man, gazing into the happy face before him, and valiantly determining to be Mike now no matter what happened. "An' ain't the table pretty!" exulted the little girl. "I found that chiny cup with the gold on it.

Well, he's too busy catchin' up wit' his breat' to shoot it back swift, but, after he's bin doin' de deep-breathin' strut for a while, he says, 'You mutt, he says, 'youse is to de bad. You've made a break, you have. Dat's right. Surest t'ing you know. He puts it different, but dat's what he means. 'I'm a sleut', he says. 'Take dese t'ings off! meanin' de irons.

'Tain't your fault dat youse didn't," and the tramp began to brush the dirt from his ragged coat. Tom was instantly struck by a curious fact. The tramp in his second remarks used language more in keeping with his character, whereas, in his first surprise and anger, he had talked much as any other person would.

There ain't no place in New York you can get in an' out of without nobody knowin' it like Charlie's, if you know the way, an " "Aw, write de rest of it down in yer memoirs!" interposed the Pug impatiently and moved toward the door. "It's all right, Shluker all de way. Now, everybody beat it, an' get on de job. Nan, youse sticks wid Pinkie an' me."

Say, you go out wid Thornton again ter-night an' de Doc finds it out an' something'll happen. Say, Helena, fer God's sake, don't youse do it de Doc was bad enough dis afternoon when he let youse down easy, but he's worse now, an' " "Worse?" Helena interrupted, smiling a little apathetically. "In what way is he worse? And how do you know? You haven't seen Doc, have you?"

My partner's speciality is action. I supply the strategy. Say, can't you see you're up against it? Why be foolish? 'You think you're certain to win? 'It's a cinch. 'Then why trouble to come here and see me? I appeared to have put into words the smouldering thought which was vexing Mr MacGinnis. He burst into speech. 'Ahr chee! Sure! What's de use? Didn't I tell youse?

"If a peckerwood pecks on de roof of youse house you will sho lose some member of youse family. Dey is pizen. "No I'se jes ter scairt ter go whar day call up Spirits." "Mary and her twin sister were slaves born in Washington County, Kentucky, near Lexington, belonging to Bob Eaglin.

He looked behind him and all around into the woods, and then urged his horse close to mine. "Mas' Tom," he said, almost in a whisper, "dere's gwine t' be hell at d' plantation foh long. Youse stay 'way fum it." I looked at him, still more astonished by his singular behavior. A full-blooded negro does not turn pale, but under the influence of great terror his skin grows spotted and livid.

His fingers released their grasp upon her arm. His hands fell limply to his sides. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Please don't be afraid o' me. I couldn't hurt youse if I tried."

De bloke's disappeared. Either he got so much swag offen dis old Grimsby guy, after youse got de bumps, or he had cold feet and beat it wid de machine." "It's a crooked game on me." rasped the voice behind the screen. "I'll send him up for this. You know how far my lines go out. What about Dutch Jake and Ben the Bite?"