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As us passed Snarly Bight, out of which t' puff came, us thought of t' boys singing their little songs, and know'd that they should be with us now; and when t' Lone Point loomed up, round which youse turn to make our harbour, us all sort of wished one more puff would come along and finish t' job properly.

"Anyhow, Abe," he said, "I don't see that you got any kick coming, because I'm going to give them tickets to you and Rosie, Abe, and youse two can take in the show." "And where are you going, Mawruss?" "Me?" Morris replied. "I'm going to a prize-fighting, Abe. I don't give up so easy as all that."

"Wait a minute!" said Larry the Bat pleasantly. "I ain't in so much of a hurry now dat I got me lamps on 'em! Youse can count 'em out after half for youse, an' half fer me. Tell us how youse fixed de lay." And then, for the first time, Virat laughed, though still a little nervously. "Yes, that's square," he agreed eagerly. "I I was afraid you were going to pinch them all. I'll tell you.

He is so obliging that he just wore his finger off pointing out the scenery along the line." The Early Bird The card "Boy Wanted" had been swinging from the window of a publishing house only a few minutes when a red-headed little tad climbed to the publisher's office with the sign under his arm. "Say, mister," he demanded of the publisher, "did youse hang out this here 'Boy Wanted' sign?"

What's the use o' mopin' like dis when youse got a invite out ter T'anksgivin'? An' ye better catch it while it's goin', too. Ye see, some days I could n't ask ye not grub enough; but I can ter-day. We got a s'prise comin'." "Indeed!" The tone was abstracted, almost irritable; but the boy ignored this. "Sure! It's a dinner a T'anksgivin' dinner bringed in to us. Now ain't ye comin'?"

A match crackled and spurted into flame; its light fell upon the lamp standing on the chair beside the bed. Rough Rorke stepped toward it. "Dere ain't any oil in dat," croaked Rhoda Gray. "Didn't I tell youse de candle was over dere on de washstand, an' "

He took one look at the harassed youth and jumped up. "Say, you're all right. Put her there." Royal's cold hand met the rough one of Ryan. The shrewd eyes of the Irishman judged the other. "I knew youse couldn't be a quitter and John Beaudry's son," he continued. "Why, come to that, the sooner you start the quicker." "I'll have to change my name." "Sure you will.

"Did you know that youse scared me so that I was going to kill you?" whispered Rags, apologetically, as he carefully held the baby from him at arm's length. "Did you?" But the baby only smiled at this and reached out its hand and stroked Rag's cheek with its fingers.

"Ain't I always hungry? M-m !" as the shop door opened and she sniffed the odors of coffee and food. "Do, do hurry and feed the poor little thing," urged Grace, almost in tears. "Oh! I'm sorry I came with you girls. Hungry! Only think of being hungry, Walter!" Inez looked at Grace as though she thought she was losing her mind. "Aw, say," said she, "don't let it worry youse.

Every time I got homesick I'd say that river, an' then I'd see Hogan's Dairy Lunch fer Ladies an' Gents on the ol' Bowery an' hear the kid Mick Hogan yellin': 'Draw one in the dark! White wings let her flop! Pie-ho! an' it helped me a heap." Bill settled himself and stretched. "But what I really wanted to tell youse about," said he, "was somepin' that happened one o' these here cold nights.