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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Ay, he've hed nice games in his time here, lads!" said Dave, grinning with pleasure. "I'm straange and glad you've caught him. Many's the time I've sin him chase the fish and tak' down the water-rats. One day he hed howd of a big duck. He got it by its legs as I was going along, and the poor thing quacked and tried to fly, but down it went d'reckly. Big pike like this un'll yeat owt."

"He's only just arrived from London, and he's walked all the way from Brawnton." "'Tain't but a stip vur a vine vellar like 'ee, and wi' a vine maiden like yu du be grown, var tu kip 'ee company," said Happy Jack. "But 'ee'll be in a yurry tu git tu Barracombe, and refresh hisself, in arl this turble yeat. When the zun du search, the rain du voller."

Yeat ware not their Letters facioned to ioyne together in sillables like ours, but Ziphres, and shapes of men and of beastes, of heades, and of armes, and artificers tooles, which signified in sondrie wise echone accordyng to his propertie. See "Two Gentlemen of Verona," ii., 3, and "Mids. This king for al that, must be gouerned by the lawe, and is bounde to all thinges after thorde of the contry.

"Well, then, if I was dreaming, there aren't nothing to eat, Master Scar. But if I warn't dreaming, there's something close by me here, and There, Master Scar, it warn't a dream!" "Nat!" cried Scarlett, joyfully, as the poor fellow feebly brought forth the food Fred and Samson had left. "May may I take some?" he faltered. "Take it all, my dear lad, take it all, and yeat it.

I did what I could to gett familiarity with them, yeat I suffered no wrong att their hands, taking all freedom, which the old woman inticed me to doe. But still they altered my face where ever I went, and a new dish to satisfy nature. I tooke all the pleasures imaginable, having a small peece at my command, shooting patriges and squerells, playing most part of the day with my companions.

When tenne ware sette in a companie together, no one of them spake without the consente of the other nyne. Thei woulde not spitte within the precincte of the compaignie emong theim, ne yeat on their righte side. They kept the Sabboth with suche a precisenesse, that thei would not that daie, ease nature of the belie burden.

Oi'm a poor cotton-weyver, as mony a one knoowas, Oi've nowt for t' yeat, an' oi've worn eawt my clooas, Yo'ad hardly gi' tuppence for aw as oi've on, My clogs are both brosten, an' stuckings oi've none, Yo'd think it wur hard, To be browt into th' warld, To be clemmed,* an' do th' best as yo con.

"Ay, lads, and so am I; but there, doan't take on. Yeat, lads, yeat, and then ye'll soon be all right again." And the boys choked down their sobs, and did "yeat" in a way that made their worthy host and hostess smile with pleasure, as well as to see the faces that a few minutes before looked so worn, pale, and wretched, brightening up under the treatment their complaint was receiving.

"Uppon ye information & sorrowfull complainte of Sergeant Daniel Wescot in regard of his maide servant Katherine Branch whome he suspects to be afflicted of witchcraft, under wch sore affliction she hath now labourd upwards of five weeks, & in that lamentable state yeat remains. John Burr, Capt. Jonothan Selleck, Lieutenant Jonothan Bell. "The manner of her being taken & handled.

"There, get in, and the mistress will give you some bread and cheese and ale." "Arn't hungry," growled the second man. "Can'st ta yeat, Dave, man?" "Ah!" growled Dave, and he slouched round, looking at the ground, and turned to go. "Gimme mai goon," he added. "The guns are all right, Dave," cried Dick. "I've got 'em. I say, John Warren, will the rabbits be all drowned?" "Drowned, young mester!

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