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"And this," holding up the paper, "tells you that they ken as I ken noo, as maist o' them ha' kent this mony a day, that your Wullie, Red Wull the Terror " "Go on." "Is " "Yes." "The Black Killer." It was spoken. The frayed string was snapped at last. The little man's hand flashed to the bottle that stood before him. "Ye liar!" he shrieked, and threw it with all his strength at the boy's head.

Keep your pluck up, and show good sport, and Lord love the better man of you." Robin took me by the hand, and gazed at me disdainfully, and then smote me painfully in the face, ere I could get my fence up. "Whutt be 'bout, lad?" cried John Fry; "hutt un again, Jan, wull 'e? Well done then, our Jan boy."

Florimel was more delighted than ever when she felt her own hand ruling the cutter so overjoyed indeed, that, instead of steering straight, she would keep playing tricks with the rudder fretting the mouth of the sea palfrey, as it were. Every now and then Malcolm had to expostulate. "Noo, my leddy, caw canny. Dinna steer sae wull. Haud her steddy.

Eh, but sair ye need a sensible mitherly body like mysel' to luik efter ye!" "Tak me, than, an' luik efter me at yer wull, Aggie; I mean what I say!" persisted Cosmo, bewildered with embarrassment and a momentary stupidity. "Ance mair, Cosmo, dinna be a gowk," said Agnes with severity. "Ye loe ME ower little, an' I loe YOU ower muckle for that."

"What for," moaned Marion, "was the hert o' a mither put intil me? What for was I made a wuman, whause life is for the beirin o' bairns to the great Father o' a' gien this same was to be my reward? Na, na, Lord," she went on, checking herself, "I claim naething but thy wull; and weel I ken ye wouldna hae me think siclike thy wull!"

'Remember what the old Scotch sexton said to the weeping mourners, "What are ye greeting aboot? If ye dinna bring them at eighty, when wull ye bring them?" My Scotch accent is bad, added Captain Pendle, 'but the story itself is a thing of beauty. 'I want to tell my father the news, said Gabriel, indignantly turning away from George's wink. 'Where is he?

An that be so no ither body can do for 'im like me w'en he's foond. I wull go doon, I tell ye; I mus' go doon!" He stepped carefully into the bucket, Conway leaped in after him, and they were lowered away. At the bottom of the shaft they found no one but the footman, whose duty it was to remain steadily at his post.

"Sair do I m'urn 'at the shaidow o' that lee ever crossed my rain'." "It was but a shaidow," said Cosmo. "But what wad ye think o' yersel', gien it had been you 'at sae near na, I winna nibble at the trowth ony mair gien it had been you, I wull say't,'at lee'd that lee sic an' ae sas it was?"

There's the wind howling doon the chimney, but there's the fire blazing upon the hearth, and the kettle singing it's bit sang on the hob. And all the family will be in frae work, tired but happy. Some one wull start a sang to rival the kettle; we've a poet in Scotland.

Man, ye're jist like Simon the Pharisee, 'at was sae scunnert at oor Lord 'cause he loot the wuman 'at was a sinner tak her wull o' 's feet the feet 'at they war gaein' to tak their wull o' efter anither fashion afore lang. He wad hae shawn her the door Simon wad like you, John; but the Lord tuik her pairt.