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Later on, the alarming prospect of Sara's perfect right to marry again came up to mar the peace of mind of all the Wrandalls, and it grew to be horribly real without a single move on her part to warrant the fears they were encouraging. Sara and Hetty did not stay long in town. The newspapers announced the return of Challis Wrandall's widow and reporters sought her out for interviews.

He found himself wondering if the girl was a snob as well as the rest of them. The look in her eyes betrayed unmistakable surprise and yes, he was quite sure of it dismay when Sara accepted the invitation to dine. Was it possible that the lovely Miss Castleton considered herself but no! Of course it couldn't be that. The Wrandalls were good enough for dukes and duchesses.

The Wrandall family should know the truth. It is well, I came near to using the word diabolical to keep them in ignorance. There is something owing to the Wrandalls, if not to the law." "Of course they would make a merciless effort to prosecute her," said Booth, feeling the cold sweat start on his brow. "I am not so sure of that, my friend," was the rather hopeful opinion of the old man.

I want to be fair with you. If Mr. Carroll is your counsel, he may advise you now to refuse to make a statement." Mr. Carroll bowed slightly in the general direction of the Wrandalls. "I have already advised Miss Castleton to state the case fully and completely to you, Mr. Wrandall. It was I who originally suggested this well, what you might call a private trial for her.

Down in her heart she realises that Hetty Castleton has got to be brought face to face with the Wrandalls." "The deuce you say!" "To-day I saw her for the first time. Almost immediately she asked me if I thought the Wrandalls would treat Hetty fairly if they ever found out the truth about her. I said I thought they would.

She was a good soul, much too good, in fact, and her efforts to live up to requirements were not only ludicrous but exasperating. Sara was quite serene about her, however. She made no excuses for the old lady; in fact, she appeared to be quite devoted to her. Booth was beginning to appreciate something of the horror the Wrandalls must have felt when Challis took unto himself a Gooch.

You hate the Wrandalls. Will they be charitable toward you when the truth is given out? Will Leslie applaud you? Listen, please: I am trying to save you from yourself, Sara. You will fail in everything you have hoped for. You will be more accursed than I. The world will pity me, it may even forgive me. It will listen to my story, which is more than you will do, and it will believe me.

I am sorry for you because you have found yourself out and must be despising yourself." "You have guessed the truth. I despise myself. But what could be expected of me?" she asked ironically. "As the Wrandalls would say, 'blood will tell." "Nonsense! Don't talk like that! It is quite unworthy of you. In spite of everything, Sara, you are wonderful.

The Wrandalls had been routed from their comfortable fireside for what? They were asking the question of themselves and they were waiting stonily for the answer. "It is very stuffy in here," Vivian had said with a glance at the closed doors after Sara had successfully placed her jury in the box. "Keep still, Viv," whispered Leslie, with a fine assumption of awe. "It's a spiritualistic meeting.

"Nevertheless," said Vivian firmly, "I for one shall not condemn her unheard. I mean to be as fair to her as Sara has been. It shall not be said that ALL the Wrandalls are smaller than Sara Gooch!" "My child " began her father incredulously. His jaw dropped suddenly. His daughter's shot had landed squarely in the heart of the Wrandall pride. "If she has anything to say," said Mrs.