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To herself she repeated: "It is because I love you that I would scourge you with Wrandalls!" "You are very good to me, Sara," sobbed Hetty. "You WILL be nice to Leslie?" "Yes, yes! If he will only let me be his friend." "He asks no more than that. Now, you must go to bed." Suddenly, without warning, she held the girl tightly in her arms.

It is not in our hearts to thank Sara for shielding you, for her hand is still raised against us. We are fair and just. If you had come to US on that wretched night and told the story of my son's infamy, WE, the Wrandalls, would have stood between you and the law. The law could not have touched you then; it shall not touch you now. Our verdict, if you choose to call it that, is sealed.

She has had my constant, my personal protection for more than twenty months." The Wrandalls leaned forward in their chairs. The match burned Leslie's fingers, and he dropped it without appearing to notice the pain. "What is this you are saying?" demanded Redmond Wrandall.

Permit me to say, Miss Castleton, that you will not find the Wrandalls as harsh and vindictive as you may have been led to believe." Mrs. Wrandall passed her hand over her eyes. "To think that we have been friendly to this girl all these " "Calm yourself, my dear," said her husband, after a glance at his son and daughter, a glance of unspeakable helplessness. He could not understand them.

"I think her conscience is troubling her. She hates the Wrandalls, but I I don't know why I should feel as I do about it, but I believe she wants them to know!" He stared for a moment, and then his face brightened. "And so do I, Hetty, so do I! They ought to know!" "I should feel so much easier if the whole world knew," said she earnestly. Sara heard the girl's words as she stood in the door.

Sebastian Gooch's paradise was more completely ostracised than it was before the disaster. The Wrandalls spoke of it as a disaster. Clearly the old merchant was not over-pleased with his daughter's choice, a conclusion permanently established by the alteration he made in his will a year or two after the marriage.

Her reasons, her excuses, her explanations for this master-stroke in the way of compensation for all that she had endured at the hands of the scornful Wrandalls, all of whom were hateful to her without exception, stirred him deeply. He began to understand the forces that compelled her to resort to this Machiavellian plan for revenge on them.

She confessed to a genuine pity for Hetty Castleton from the beginning, but it was outweighed by that thing she could only describe as an obsession!...How she hated the Wrandalls!...Then came the real awakening: when the truth came to her as a revelation from God. Hetty had not been to blame. The girl was innocent of the one sin that called for vengeance so far as she was concerned.

She was a keen-witted, plain-spoken young woman, with few false ideals and no subtlety. She was less snobbish than arrogant. Of all the Wrandalls, she was the least self-centred. Leslie never quite understood her for the paradoxical reason that she thoroughly understood him.

You know how she came to me, how I prepared her for the sacrifice, how she left me. I have not written to her. I cannot. She must hate me with all her soul, just as I have hated the Wrandalls, but with greater reason, I confess. She would have given herself up to the law long ago, if it had not been for exposing me to the world as her defender, her protector.