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'Boy, boy! said Vavasour, who could endure raillery from one he had been at college with, but who was not over-pleased at Coningsby selecting the present occasion to claim his franchise, when a new man was present like Lord Montacute, on whom Vavasour naturally wished to produce an impression.

It is for you and me to answer to civilization and justice. We must begin at once, Captain Begg, without any loss of time," says he. I answered him a little sharply, perhaps, being not over-pleased that he should make so light of my own part in the matter. "Sir," said I, "what a seaman can do I have done already, or you would not be here to speak of it. Let that go by.

Saith I, "Methinks thy mother was right to speak to thee as yesternight she did," saith I; "for I saw thee strive to graft a pear-tree with a branch o' th' tree o' knowledge," saith I. "Then," saith she, hot as my forge all in a breath, and bouncing from my knee "then thou wast an eavesdropper!" saith she. "Even as the Lord afore me," saith I, not over-pleased at her sauciness.

I carried the baby. A boy, sitting on some boxes, pulled my sleeve as we went by, and asked me, pointing to the Madonna, if I would tell him the name of the ship. "Find out for yourself," said I, not over-pleased to be interrupted. "Don't be cross to him," says Molly. The baby threw a kiss at the boy, and Molly smiled at him through the dark.

"This is a misunderstanding a dreadful misunderstanding," she cried out in her pretty broken English. "Oh, how does it happen that you are here?" "Through no choice of my own, madam, I assure you!" retorted Tony, not over-pleased by his reception. "But why how how did you make this unfortunate mistake?" "Why, madam, if you'll excuse my candour, I think the mistake was yours " "Mine?"

I had feared something quite different, if he had only known it, and felt considerably relieved by his words; nevertheless, I was not over-pleased at the prospect of a conversation just then, and should have preferred being left alone with my precious burden.

Only have I to let fall an unguarded word for example, about geraniums and at once you buy me some! How much they must have cost you! Yet what a charm there is in them, with their flaming petals! Wherever did you get these beautiful plants? Unfortunately, Thedora, who, with her sweeping and polishing, makes a perfect sanctuary of my room, is not over-pleased at the arrangement.

He was not over-pleased however because the armoured car was not powered. Quite a few Arab civilians were employed by the army in various capacities, some clerical and some labouring depending upon their abilities.

In place of the lean young man I had known, I saw a heavy, flaccid being, who shuffled in his gait, and seemed tired and listless. His sunburn had gone, and his face was as pasty as a city clerk's. He had been walking, and wore shapeless flannel clothes, which hung loose even on his enlarged figure. And the worst of it was, that he did not seem over-pleased to see me.

He accosted Law now, pistol in hand, so to speak, and with a perfect "money or your life" manner. He had already amassed mountains of gold by the easy humour of M. le Duc d'Orleans; he had drawn, too, a good deal from Law, in private. Not content with this, he wished to draw more. M. le Duc d'Orleans grew tired, and was not over-pleased with him.