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If demanded by him, it could scarcely have been refused; but he never pushed his own interests. His masculine independence in professional conduct, towards superiors and inferiors, found its root and its reflection in personal unconcern as well antecedent as subsequent about the results from his actions to his fortunes.

Everybody in the theater had recognized her, and there was now much whispering, especially between Prulliere, who was scandalized at her return, and Clarisse who was very desirous of the part. As to Fontan, he looked coldly on, pretending unconcern, for he did not think it becoming to round on a woman he had loved.

"What! have you cut old Wood's throat?" asked Wild, with great unconcern, as he took up the bag. "If I had, you'd not have seen me here," replied Jack, sullenly. "The blood that has been spilt is that of his wife." "It was her own fault," observed Blueskin, moodily. "She wouldn't let me go. I did it in self-defence." "I care not why you did it," said Jack, sternly. "We work together no more."

Expressing much gratitude for the blanket, with apparent unconcern, Israel stretches his legs. An hour or two passes. All is quiet without. The important moment had now arrived. Certain it was, that if this chance were suffered to pass unimproved, a second would hardly present itself.

Their feet plunged heavily and their heads hung down, as they strode beside a wain mounted with straw, whistling an air of stupid unconcern; but a close listener might have heard that the lumbering vehicle carried a human voice giving them directions as to the road they were to take, and what sort of behaviour to observe under certain events. The land was solitary.

He took up a paper and began to read, with an assumption of complete calmness and unconcern; but she saw that he was paler than usual, and that his hand shook a little as he turned the pages of his Galignani. Presently she asked, in a subdued voice, for something to drink. He brought her a glass of claret and water, and she raised herself a little on one arm to take it from him.

There were orders and counter-orders, alarums and excursions. Through them all Tommy kept his balance and his air of cheery unconcern, but he wished that he might be "struck pink" if he knew "wot we was a-doin' of anyw'y." Our ideas of the tactical situation were decidedly vague.

Your daughter and myself have pledged our mutual faith we have exchanged vows which soar above your money bags, and as long as I possess my reason, my liberty, and health, so long will I endeavor to see the lady, and hold her to her word. "I turned to leave the room, but the banker recalled me with a word. "'Is that your firm resolution? he asked, with as much unconcern as he could assume.

"No, not that one. Something to do with a power supply." "Power supply. Oh!" His frown faded and became a smile. "You mean the crackpot with his little suitcase." Thorn looked startled, and Captain Lacey said: "That's the one." "Sure I remember," said the colonel. "What about it?" "Oh, nothing," Lacey said with elaborate unconcern, "I just thought Mr.

"One does n't easily forget a new pair of gloves," she answered in a tone cruelly matter-of-fact, as if she would show deliberately her unconcern. He could now see all too clearly what a fool's dream he had cherished, and the awakening was painfully abrupt. He divined that something was amiss, something of which he had no knowledge or right to a knowledge.