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The wust of it was that I had tooken the automobile with me, to have a little work done on her, mind ye, an' so they had to hire a Ford to bring him up from the Falls. I wouldn't 'a' had it happen fer fifty dollars." Peter's tone was convincingly doleful. "And he has been confined to his room ever since? Poor old fellow! It's hard, isn't it?" "It sure is.

Left alone with the bandit, Pell remarked: "Look here, there must be some way to settle this thing." But he had grave fears. "To zat, I 'ave come at last," the bandit replied with an emphasis that could not be mistaken. "You have?" Pell's voice was weak. "It shall cost me planty money. I could 'ave tooken you wiz me for ransom 'elluva big ransom a million dollar, mebbe. But I am not soddid!"

"Why, what possible use could he have for a surplice?" "He's akeepin' company with a young gal Lily Rose and she wanted his likeness tooken sorter fancy-like, so he wuz took in the surplus, and he got himself framed in a gilt and shell frame, and she hez it ahangin' over her bed.

He spoke slowly, pointing his words with his swaying finger: "Deerfoot, I've got the question answered; listen to me: them boys have been tooken away by Injins; I know it; now where have the Injins gone?

Here is Jinny, your old nurse, who took care of you as a child." The old colored woman came in, and, as instructed, said: "Yes, honey, I'se tooken care ob you since you was a baby, and I'se nebber lef' you." "Everything looks very strange. Why, Alford, I had a long, sad talk with you but a short time since in the library, and you were so kind and unselfish!"

An' now, he sez, 'carry 'im in de house. An' he walks arfter me an' opens de do's fur me, an' I kyars 'im in my arms, an' lays 'im down on de bed. An' from dat time I was tooken in de house to be Marse Channin's body-servant. "Well, you nuver see a chile grow so. Pres'n'y he growed up right big, an' ole marster sez he must have some edication.

"It was tooken right out ob de bread box," she went on, "and I'se shuah it wasn't no rat, fo' he couldn't open my box." "I don't know," said Mrs. Bobbsey. "Rats are pretty smart sometimes." "They are smart enough to keep out of my trap," said Papa Bobbsey. "I must set some new ones, I think." "Well, I don't think it was any rat," said Dinah, as she went on serving breakfast.

An' now I know fer true she is a surely 'Guardian Angel, an' is tooken care of every time, 'cause a minute ago that littler than the littlest wasn't there at all, for I never saw it an' I should. An' now 'tis, an' we're in it an' Oh, how glad I am!"

One or two youngsters, who had not got machines of their own yet, had begged leave to hire for the afternoon, so it happened that the March Hare and Toppin were the only boarders left behind. Mournfully they swung upon the gate, and watched the pack ride gaily away at the word "Time!" from Mr. Anderson. "I wish that they should have tooken us, eh, Top-peen?" said the March Hare.

"And what would you hab done wid de fiah, eh?" "Put it out in some way." "And got shot yourself! Your fut isn't as promisc'us as mine and it would hab tooken you longer; it wanted only one slap ob my shoe and de bus'ness war done."