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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Vat is this?" he inquired, a new crispness in his voice. "You tolt me," he accused Orde, "dot you were not brepared to break out the rollways. You tolt me you would egspect me to do that for myself." "Certainly," agreed Orde. "Vell, why do you put in this?" demanded Heinzman, reading from the paper in his hand.

She tolt me dot she vould like to come home for a visit but her husband he does not vant her to go dere nefer again. My jobber haf tolt me dot Mr. Biggs is git drunk efery day. Bim she t'ink de place no good. She haf tolt me dey treat de niggers awful. She haf cry ven she tolt me dot." "Poor child!" said Abe. "I'm afraid she's in trouble."

"I tolt him it was all right, but he just stood up there cursin' me. And then he got to throwin' things, almost had me here" he put his hand against his ear "like he was plumb crazy. But I guess he wasn't, for he wouldn't give me the quarter." "Did you leave him there?" "Sure I did. I run, I was scairt. Pop and Mom'd always be tellin' me to have nothin' to do with tramps.

There is one darker Adela in the company of a ribald crew, surrounded by the brutal soldiery, powerless, unprotected she his own dear one, now his betrothed! Overcome by his emotions he remains for some time silent, scarce heeding the remarks of his comrade. One, however, restores his attention. "I tolt ye so," says Walt. "See! yonner's the skunk himself astride o' a mule at the tail o' the gang."

"True, Don Francisco; but that isn't what I mean." "I reckon I knows what ye mean," interposes the ex-Ranger, rising excitedly from his chair on hearing the Mexican's remark. "It's been my own suspeeshun all along. You know what I tolt ye, Frank?" Hamersley looks interrogatively at his old comrade. "Did I not say," continues Wilder, "that I seed two men 'mong the Injuns wi' ha'r upon thar faces?

How air we ever goin' to git ter her? I allow she's dead! I allow she'd never live arter seein' him shot down dead! He tolt me thar couldn't nobody git up thar whar they'd gone; no white folks, I mean. Oh, Lawd, Lawd!" Felipe stood paralyzed, horror-stricken. He turned in despair to Jos. "Tell me in Spanish," he said. "I cannot understand."

"Pooh!" "Yes, she is the only heir to the old bill-discounter Gobseck. Derville will verify the facts. If your mistress' mother was the handsome Dutch woman, la Belle Hollandaise, as they called her, she comes in for " "I know dat she is," cried the banker. "She tolt me all her life. I shall write ein vort to Derville."

She tolt me what to do, and I follered it, and, lo! the meracle was performed; wonderful things was done unto me!" Here Aunt Dalmanutha for it was she supplemented the embrace with kisses rained upon the head and brow of the trained nurse.

The Baron at down at his desk, wrote a line to Derville, and sent it by one of his servants. Then, after going to the Bourse, he went back to Esther's house at about three o'clock. "Madame forbade our waking her on any pretence whatever. She is in bed asleep " "Ach der Teufel!" said the Baron. "But, Europe, she shall not be angry to be tolt that she is fery, fery rich.

"Montame du Fal-Noble tolt me you shall have some iteas," said Nucingen, scrutinizing Peyrade. "Ah, this is what I wanted to hear," said du Tillet to Rastignac; "the two talking gibberish together." "You will see, they will understand each other at last," said Bixiou, guessing what du Tillet had said to Rastignac.

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