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An' stiddier leavin' it be, I sot my bucket o' berries at the foot o' a tree', an started down the slope todes the bluff, ter make sure an' view it clar o' the trees." The girl paused, her eyes widening, her voice faltering, her breath coming fast.

"I reckon the last disasters thar hev interrupted the company so ez they hain't got much heart todes diggin' fur silver agin over in Tanglefoot Cove.

Why, I could set down now, an' make a drawin' of that knitted collar she used to wear, an' it over forty year ago. I ricollec' she was cross-eyed, too, in the eye todes the foot o' the class, where I'd occasionally set; an', tell the truth, it was the strongest reason for study thet I had thess to get on to the side of her certain eye.

"Yes, Phil, yes, Phil, todes the last when you made that big swoop with both arms and 'peared like you was gwyen right up to the rafters, thinks I, Shore 'nough, Henry Clay come back from his grave!" As flesh and blood could not stand everything, the old Squire was promptly invited to take another drink.

Now it's good sun-up outside. The way you must do you jess keep on the lef' side o' me, close, so as when I jess santer out e-easy todes the back gate you'll be hid from all the other houses. Then when we git to the back gate I'll kind o' stand like I was lookin' into the pig-pen, and you jess slide away on a line with me into the woods, and there'll be Sam.

White lady an' ge'lmun walk todes my do', I step up to 'em I step up to 'em thisaway." Here Genesis found it pleasant to present the scene with some elaboration.

At length a bright idea struck her and turning to Cynthia she announced: "Why, Sis' Cynthia, I believes yo' tryin' ter projec' wid me; dat clock don' STRIKE 'TALL. But I 'clar I mus' be a-humpin' masef todes dera chillern. I shore mus'." "Yes, I'd 'vise it pintedly," asserted Cynthia, while Mammy Lucy added: "It's sprisin' how some folks juties slips dey min's."

Th' ain't no finer trait, in my opinion, in man or woman, than dependableness, an' that's another reason I take sech special delight in the little daughter, Mary Elizabeth. If she tells you a thing's black, why you may know it don't lean todes brown or gray. It's thess a dismal black. She may hate to say it, an' show her hatred in a dozen lovin', regretful ways, but out it'll come.

"Bimeby one day, Ole Miss, she call me up en say de Yankees done gone en tuck Atlanty dish yer ve'y town; den present'y I year dey wuz a marchin' on down todes Putmon, en, lo en behol's! one day, de fus news I know'd, Mars Jeems he rid up wid a whole gang er men.

Through the tangled masses of her heavy hair, gilded by the morning sunshine, her eyes, bright with fever, roamed around the room, startled, despairing. Under the window the White Cuirassiers were singing as they rode: "Flieg', Adler, flieg'! Wir stürmen nach, Ein einig Volk in Waffen, Wir stürmen nach ob tausendfach Des Todes Pforten Klaffen!