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And we stay here in our dim light, in our dull monotones, when, to the westward, there's a land all capped with clouds of red and gold. There is Tip's Valley of Peace. John Shadrack's widow may not be a celestial being, but that is my sunset country.

The story was too new; it touched too near his heart not to calm the angry feelings and to interest him wonderfully. As soon as school was dismissed, Mr. Holbrook turned to him. "What disturbs you to-day, Edward?" Tip's face grew red again. "I I nothing much, sir." "Have you and Ellis been having trouble in school?" "He has been getting me into trouble," spoke Tip boldly, finding himself caught.

"No, sir, I live with my cousin John Shadrack's widder." "Ah!" I cried. "It's plain now, Tip, you deceiver. So there's the attraction." "The attraction?" Tip's brow was furrowed. "Mrs. John Shadrack," I said. The fugitive broke into a loud guffaw. He leaned over the gate and let his pipe fall on the other side and beat the post violently with his hands.

"If my chum here doesn't take up the line of an investigator of crime for a livelihood believe me there'll be a great loss to the world. I wonder now, Hugh, if you've got tabs on all the fellows, so that you could tell who made any footprint in the mud?" Hugh only laughed as he went on to say: "It was just a mere accident that I knew that about Tip's mended sole, and it might never happen again.

Kitty, these days, seemed trying to see just how cross and disagreeable she could be; and the kitchen at best a dismal place was just now at the worst. The wet wood in the stove sizzled and stewed and made a smoke; and in the midst of Tip's fifth trial on an example which was puzzling him terribly, he was called on to split some kindlings. "This instant! I won't wait a minute!"

When the other scholars passed out, he laid his hand on Tip's arm, with the words, "You have been a good listener to-day, Edward, Did you understand the story I told, of the boy who started on a journey to the Holy Land?" "Some of it I did: you meant that he started for heaven." "You understand it, I see. Don't you want to take that journey?" "I mean to, sir." "'Help Thou mine unbelief," was Mr.

Tip's wide-open eyes spoke his astonishment. "What do you want of me?" he asked at last, speaking boldly just what he thought. "Why, I want you to come and help have a nice time," returned Howard, with great kindness, but just a little condescension in his tone. Tip heard it, and his bitterness showed itself a little. "It's a new streak you've got, ain't it?" he said, still speaking crossly.

It was said that Pop Geers, the great racing driver, would himself be there. A doubt of the success of Tony Tip hung heavy in the air of Winesburg. Into the drug store came Joe Welling, brushing the screen door violently aside. With a strange absorbed light in his eyes he pounced upon Ed Thomas, he who knew Pop Geers and whose opinion of Tony Tip's chances was worth considering.

Two weeks is a very short time, but when you have been over the mountains and back, when you have hovered for days close to the banks of the Styx, when you have huddled for days close to the Shadrack stove, listening to the widow's stories of her John and Tip's praise of his wife, then a fortnight seems an age. But everything was as I had left it.

"I allow you've never seen John Shadrack's widder," said he. "I'd like to, Tip. Will you take me with you to Happy Valley?" The smile left Tip's face, and he gazed at me, open-mouthed with astonishment. "You would go over the mountain?" he said, drawling every word. Over the mountain there is peace!