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"I haven't ten dollars, Tip -on my honor," he protested, hesitatingly. "On yer -what?" questioned Scammon, with utter scorn. "I haven't ten dollars." "How much have ye?" There was something in Tip's ugly eyes that scared the boy. Fred went quickly through his pockets, producing, finally, six dollars and a half. "I'll give you six of this, Tip," proposed Fred, rather miserably.

Cousin Padgett was a mighty man in the city, and his wife and daughters had unheard-of advantages. He had kept up a formal but very pleasant intercourse with grandma's branch; and when he learned at the State Fair, the year previous, her son Tip's design to cast their future lots in the West, he said he should take it very ill if they did not spend the first night of their journey with him.

Bailey went to the circus last year and took all his children. So did Mr. Anderson and Mr. Stone, and oh! dozens of others, rich, great men. Well, did good people go? and Tip's thoughts strayed back to Mr. Holbrook, and Mr. Parker, and Mr. Minturn, yea, and others, whose voices he had heard on the streets and in stores, condemning the circus. But then, after all, where was the harm?

Then Tip fell back with my boy and let the elder brother go ahead, for he always had a right to the first shot; and while he dodged down behind the bank, and crept along to the place where the ducks usually were, my boy kept a hold on Tip's collar, and took in the beautiful mystery of the early morning.

"Well, I'll just about have to face 'em, that's all. I done wrong, and I don't ask not to be punished." "You're an absolute fool. And if you won't do anything for your own sake, you might at least do something for mine. I tell you, I'm not like you I do think of other people and for Tip's sake I can't have everyone talking about you, and may be my own story raked up again.

Father," Tip's voice took a softer tone, for he knew there was one very tender spot in his father's heart, "don't you want to see little Johnny up in heaven?" The muscles around Mr. Lewis's mouth began to twitch nervously, and a tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm pretty near it," he said at last; "and I think sometimes I'd give the world, if I had it, to be ready to go; but it's all too late.

The selections were to be made by the committee, immediately after class, of those who were considered ready to enter the history class on the following term. This was the highest reading class in the school: and Tip's eyes fairly danced when Mr. Holbrook, who was chairman of the committee, out of a class of thirteen read but two names, "Thomas Jones" and "Edward Lewis." "Hallo, Tip!"

Him and me fixed up the buggy agin, and he's gone to borry Harmon's me-yule so as you uns can git back to Black Log." "Tip's left Black Log forever," I said firmly. Then John Shadrack's widow laughed. She laughed so hard that she blew the ashes out of her pipe, and they showered down over my face, and made me wink and sputter. "There there," she said solicitously, dusting them away with her hand.

The congratulatory crowd being too large for Dick alone, his five partners were holding separate little receptions for groups, relating how Dick, Dave and Greg had captured Tip Scammon. Such speculation there was as to who Tip's unrecognized companion could have been the night before. As Fred stepped into the big room he was conscious of many unfriendly glances that were sent in his direction.

He was a tough character, and regarded as one of the worse than worthless young men of Gridley. Tip was a handy fellow, a jack-of-all-trades, with several at which he might have made an honest living -but he wouldn't. Yet Tip's father was old John Scammon, the highly respected janitor at the High School, where he had served for some forty years.