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"Why, Tip, if I had ten pounds of nails, and they were worth eight cents a pound, they would stand me just so much, that is, they would be worth that to me; and if I should sell them I'd get so much for them. Don't you see?" Light began to dawn on Tip's mind. "Then it means," he said, "that the man didn't sell his sixteen sheep; he just counted them worth two dollars apiece.

"Guess I was right," he murmured, "when I said it was on the books fo' Hahdy to die by the rope!" Cattle were approaching Midway on the Chisholm Trail hundreds of them, bawling, milling, and pounding dust clouds into the air with their sharp hoofs. The Texan, watching the dark-red mass of them, smiled. McCay cattle, those! And there was a woman in Dodge City who was cared for now Tip's mother.

Ellis moved along to give him room, and disturbed him neither by word nor look during the lesson. But Tip's heart was full of bitterness, and he thought the pleasure of that morning gone. The lesson was of Christ and His death on the cross, and, as he listened, hard thoughts began to die out.

The subject being exhausted for the time being, the boys talked of something else until they finally separated, each heading for his own particular supper table. Of course, the news of Tip's arrest was soon known all over town. Most people had anticipated such an event, and professed not to be in the least surprised to hear about it.

Tip's Uncle Bill was a wanderer, bitten with mining fever, who had drifted into Sandtown with a broken arm, and when it was well had drifted out again. "Where is it?" "Aw, it's down in New Mexico somewheres. There aren't no railroads or anything. You have to go on mules, and you run out of water before you get there and have to drink canned tomatoes." "Well, go on, kid.

"Hallo, Tip!" he called, as Tip turned the corner; "you're the boy I must have been looking for, I guess. If you'll carry home packages for me for an hour, and not steal one of them, I'll give you two tickets for the circus." Tip's cheeks glowed at the word steal, and he came near telling Mr. Dewey to carry his own packages, if he were afraid to trust him. But then, those two tickets!

Tip says she has a be-yutiful figger. There's nothin' like figger. If there's anythin' I hate to see it's a first-class gingham fittin' a woman like it was hung there to air. But about Tip's wife agin she must have a lovely disposition?" "Splendid," I said. "That's what Tip says.

Lichtenstein's eye roamed over the suite of rich rooms with their elaborate gambling-paraphernalia. "Not much doing," he smiled, "since Rose went over. The tip's out that I'm wanted. Nobody drops in for a quiet game. Bubbles, you tell people when you're a man and I'm gone, that I wasn't only a gambler.

"Edward, you have commenced the term as usual, I see, the first one marked for bad conduct." How Tip's ears burned! How untrue it was! He had not commenced this term as usual; how differently he had tried to commence it, only he and God knew. And now to fail thus early in the day!

From her very heart she wished she could dress Tip in broadcloth to-day, just as fine as that which Howard Minturn himself wore, and a collar so white and shiny that it would fairly dazzle the eyes of the others to look upon it; but, since she was so powerless to do what she would, it made her cross. The bedroom door was open, and Tip's father heard.