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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Why not go now and see it?" asked Matt. "The bridge where the boys hid it is only a couple of miles away." "No good," replied the man. "Them boys wasn't as smart as they thunk. We sent up to get the car fust thing after yore chief sent the word to us last night, but all they was left of it was tracks." So the car was gone. Glen could easily understand how they discovered it.

"I tole my ole 'oman, and she said she reckoned it was a buth mark what the man carryd; but when I seen him I thunk he was cunjured." "When you heard that Gen'l Darrington had been murdered, did you think of this man and his singular behavior that night?"

"He would, I know, powerful quick, ef he thunk I hed ennything in it," said Jim, with a gruff laugh. "I didn't mean that, though it's true enough. I only went ter say that he's small enough to go into any ordinary-sized fellow's pocket. Some of the rest of them wanted to turn State's evidence, but they weren't allowed. They were harder customers even than Jeff Carew, regular old jail-birds."

Who der thunk it?" shouted Peter, jumping up and down; and then he knelt on the grass, his arms flung wide open, while he called: "Toby, Toby! Here's me!" Of course Toby knew Peter that goes without saying. He barked and wagged his tail and licked Peter's face; in fact, he did every dog-thing Peter had longed for since Peter's mind had first fashioned him.

Ef I doan toot you keeps quiet till you sees me agin," and he disappeared. "Who'd a thunk dat ar boy had sech a haid!" ejaculated Aun' Jinkey, lighting her pipe. Deep as would now be her solicitude and great as her fears, her grandson's appearance and words had dispelled the spook-phase of her tribulations.

I've mended 'is oul duds, washed 'is dhirty clothes, shuk 'is han', stroked 'is hair an' said kind words to 'im! "'God Almighty! says I, 'yer goin' mad, Anna! She tuk her oul Bible an' read t' me these words; I mind thim well: "'Whin ye do it t' wan o' these craithers ye do it t' me! "Well, me bhoy, I thunk an' I thunk over thim words an' wud ye believe it I begun t' clane m' specs.

"'I always did allow, cook, says the skipper, 'that God knowed more'n I ever thunk. "'An' I never did burn no water, blubbers the cook, 'afore I shipped along o' you in this here dam' ol' flour-sieve of a White Lily. "'This here what? snaps the skipper. "'This here dam' ol' basket. "'Basket! says the skipper.

"Agin that thar pine trunk Em'ry he stood an' leaned. The rest war behind, a-comin' down the hill. An' all of a suddenty a light fell on the furder eend o' the foot-bredge a waverin' light, mighty white an' misty in the darksomeness. Mill'cent 'lowed ez fust she thunk it war the moon. An' lookin' up, she seen the cloud; it held the moon close kivered.

Every patriotic soul in the riding is repeating that well-known verse from Bill Shakespeare's 'Saturday Night in London': 'Breathes there a man with soul so punk, Who never to himself has thunk, By hedges and by hook or crook, We'll surely give Big Wind the Hook." "Shakespeare! Shakespeare! Are you sure, Tommy?" "Well, perhaps it wasn't him; but he's as good as any to tack it to."

They had not gone far over the silvery-green meadow three shadow-lengths, perhaps when they saw something coming toward them. It was coming as fast as half-legs could carry it; and it was wagging a long, stand-up tail. Everybody guessed in an instant that it was Peter's "black dorg wiv yeller spots." "Who der thunk it?

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